Accountability is Great!
We have been having a pastors' prayer time on Mondays for at least two years now. We meet at a neighboring church, because the pastor, Steve Murrell, allows us to use their very nice prayer room. The Lord laid it on my heart after our Director of Missions called for us to engage in more prayer and fellowship. Steve gladly joined with me, and we have had other pastors join us from time to time. It is a marvelous time of prayer and fellowship for me.
This year we added something to our agenda. We are reading a book each month and giving a short report on the book for each other. It was Steve's idea, and I am so grateful for the accountability. I finished my fifth book in 2010 this afternoon. I have always read some, but often I did not read the entire book. This way, I have the accountability to be faithful and finish the book. It has been such a blessing and a great tribute to the power of accountability.
God knows that we need other believers to encourage us and to hold us accountable to do His will. If we are left to do it by ourselves, we can do well, but we can do better, when we have a friend's assistance. I would urge all of us to allow this lesson to enhance our lives as we walk closely with the Lord. In our church we have On Mission Groups (a form of Life Transformation Groups from Neil Cole) which are for accountability, too. I have heard many testimonies about how it has helped people stay closer to the Lord.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 23-25.
This year we added something to our agenda. We are reading a book each month and giving a short report on the book for each other. It was Steve's idea, and I am so grateful for the accountability. I finished my fifth book in 2010 this afternoon. I have always read some, but often I did not read the entire book. This way, I have the accountability to be faithful and finish the book. It has been such a blessing and a great tribute to the power of accountability.
God knows that we need other believers to encourage us and to hold us accountable to do His will. If we are left to do it by ourselves, we can do well, but we can do better, when we have a friend's assistance. I would urge all of us to allow this lesson to enhance our lives as we walk closely with the Lord. In our church we have On Mission Groups (a form of Life Transformation Groups from Neil Cole) which are for accountability, too. I have heard many testimonies about how it has helped people stay closer to the Lord.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 23-25.