What About Jesus?
This morning our men discussed Peter's confession in Luke 9. Jesus asked His disciples who the crowds said He was. Then, He asked, "But who do you say that I am?" That is a powerfully important question. Peter got the correct answer when He said, "The Christ of God."
The word Christ means "The Anointed One." The anointing was given in the Old Testament to kings and prophets, so they could carry out the will of God. The oil represented the Holy Spirit, and when they we anointed with oil, it showed the Holy Spirit coming on them to empower them for God's glory. However, Jesus did not just have the Spirit. He was God. He was The Anointed One of God, which shows His identification with the Father. He was and is the Lord of all. That is what the Father had revealed to Peter.
The question extends to every person born into this world. What about Jesus? Who do you say that He is? In reality He is either Lord of all, or He is not Lord at all. Therefore, your answer is vital to your eternal destiny. No prophet can take anyone to Heaven by forgiving their sins, and neither can any good teacher or good man. Only the sinless God-Man could die for all of mankind by shedding His precious blood to pay for our sins. Only the Lord, Himself, could do that. I pray that each of us realize who Jesus is and trust Him as Lord of our lives. It is the question of all the ages.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Chronicles 22-24.
The word Christ means "The Anointed One." The anointing was given in the Old Testament to kings and prophets, so they could carry out the will of God. The oil represented the Holy Spirit, and when they we anointed with oil, it showed the Holy Spirit coming on them to empower them for God's glory. However, Jesus did not just have the Spirit. He was God. He was The Anointed One of God, which shows His identification with the Father. He was and is the Lord of all. That is what the Father had revealed to Peter.
The question extends to every person born into this world. What about Jesus? Who do you say that He is? In reality He is either Lord of all, or He is not Lord at all. Therefore, your answer is vital to your eternal destiny. No prophet can take anyone to Heaven by forgiving their sins, and neither can any good teacher or good man. Only the sinless God-Man could die for all of mankind by shedding His precious blood to pay for our sins. Only the Lord, Himself, could do that. I pray that each of us realize who Jesus is and trust Him as Lord of our lives. It is the question of all the ages.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Chronicles 22-24.