
God is looking for those who are sincere in their commitment to Him. Some may have a false view of sincerity. It is not a deep feeling. It is a pure, single-minded faith in the Lord. The word sincere has a very interesting background. It literally means "without wax." That seems strange until you know the derivation. Back when they used clay pots for cooking and storing food, they had a problem. People would sell pots which had cracks in them. They would use wax to fill in the crack, and then, they would put a little coloring over it. If you did not look very closely, you could not see the flaw. However, the crack was very obvious when the pot was heated. The wax melted, and the pot leaked. Of course, everyone wanted pots that were completely ceramic and no wax. That was the only way they would hold up.

People are the same way. If a person is sincere, they will not show cracks when the heat is turned up on them. They are solid in their faith. Their commitment is not soft in places. That is real sincerity. Jesus is looking for that kind of faith. We can't be perfect, but we can be sincere in our trust. When we are, we will not fade away under pressure. We will remain firm in our resolve to follow our Lord.

Tomorrow, I intend to read I Chronicles 12-15.

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