Mission Trip 2010
We leave in the morning for the Dominican Republic for our annual mission trip there, but I have a different sense about this trip. I have a keen sense of anticipation, because of the situation. We made our reservations in January, and we were planning to help our sister church there, as we have done several times before. However, the earthquake in Haiti struck, and we began to pray about the possibility of helping with the Haitian relief in some way. Then, our main translator had to cancel, so we asked our missionary brother from our church what he would suggest for us to do. He said there was work for us to do helping the missionaries in Jimani, Dominican Republic, so that is what we are going to do.
There is only four of us going this year, but I believe the Lord has something significant for us to do in our service and in our spiritual warfare during our time there. Will you please, pray for us? Don and Shirley Wells, Rosa Hill, and myself are the members of our team. Doug and Dana Roberts are the missionaries with the IMB who are members of our church family. Their sons are Tyler, Jason, and Christopher. Please, pray for God to give us clear direction and to use us for His glory. I will fill you in on the answers when I return. It is always a joy to go in Jesus' Name to share His love and His truth with people around the world. If you have never had that privilege, I encourage you to step out by faith and do so very soon. There is so much need all around the globe.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Numbers 19-21. Then, I will continue to read 3 chapters a day, except on Friday and Saturday, when I will read 4 chapters. I will try to make some posts from the DR, if we have Internet access, but that may not be possible very often.
There is only four of us going this year, but I believe the Lord has something significant for us to do in our service and in our spiritual warfare during our time there. Will you please, pray for us? Don and Shirley Wells, Rosa Hill, and myself are the members of our team. Doug and Dana Roberts are the missionaries with the IMB who are members of our church family. Their sons are Tyler, Jason, and Christopher. Please, pray for God to give us clear direction and to use us for His glory. I will fill you in on the answers when I return. It is always a joy to go in Jesus' Name to share His love and His truth with people around the world. If you have never had that privilege, I encourage you to step out by faith and do so very soon. There is so much need all around the globe.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Numbers 19-21. Then, I will continue to read 3 chapters a day, except on Friday and Saturday, when I will read 4 chapters. I will try to make some posts from the DR, if we have Internet access, but that may not be possible very often.