Taking God at His Word
This morning we had 12 men for our study of Luke 5. We always have a great time, but the guys were really insightful this morning. It is a blessing to start the work week together in a detailed study of God's Word.
This passage tells of Jesus building a relationship with Simon Peter. He has already healed his mother-in-law, and here He teaches a multitude of people from Simon's boat. Then, Jesus tells them to put down their nets in the deep water for a catch. They had worked all night without catching anything. It was morning, and they did not fish in the morning or in the deep water. Therefore, Jesus' request was very unusual. However, Peter said, "Master or Teacher, at Your word, I will let down the nets. That is a significant decision for Peter. He was trusting Jesus. He decided to take Him at His Word. That is faith. Then, they caught a huge amount of large fish, enough to fill two boats to the point of sinking. What a miracle.
Peter not only saw the miracle. He saw that Jesus was Lord and God. He fell before Him, and he expressed his sinfulness. He called Him Lord, instead of just Teacher. Peter had come to know Jesus because he took Him at His Word. It is the same for you and me today. We must decide to take God at His Word. Then, He will reveal Himself to us. We can then submit to Him as sinful people, and He will reach down and save us by His grace. However, we, too, must go from just seeing Jesus as a teacher to seeing Him as Lord of our lives. I pray that each of us has had that experience. If not, you can decide to take Him at His Word right now.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 100-102 and I Corinthians 1.
This passage tells of Jesus building a relationship with Simon Peter. He has already healed his mother-in-law, and here He teaches a multitude of people from Simon's boat. Then, Jesus tells them to put down their nets in the deep water for a catch. They had worked all night without catching anything. It was morning, and they did not fish in the morning or in the deep water. Therefore, Jesus' request was very unusual. However, Peter said, "Master or Teacher, at Your word, I will let down the nets. That is a significant decision for Peter. He was trusting Jesus. He decided to take Him at His Word. That is faith. Then, they caught a huge amount of large fish, enough to fill two boats to the point of sinking. What a miracle.
Peter not only saw the miracle. He saw that Jesus was Lord and God. He fell before Him, and he expressed his sinfulness. He called Him Lord, instead of just Teacher. Peter had come to know Jesus because he took Him at His Word. It is the same for you and me today. We must decide to take God at His Word. Then, He will reveal Himself to us. We can then submit to Him as sinful people, and He will reach down and save us by His grace. However, we, too, must go from just seeing Jesus as a teacher to seeing Him as Lord of our lives. I pray that each of us has had that experience. If not, you can decide to take Him at His Word right now.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 100-102 and I Corinthians 1.