Never Thirst Again
This morning I spoke to the Academy children in chapel as I usually do on Thursdays. I related to them the story in John 4 of the woman at the well in Samaria. I tried to get across the fact that once we come to know Christ the thirst in our hearts for love and meaning is quenched forever. However, many people try to quench that thirst with other things or with people, and that never works.
I am glad that I can say without reservation that Jesus gave me that "Living Water" when I was 14 years old, and I have never had to have that thirst quenched again. Yes, I need my fellowship with him daily, and I need to grow in Him, but my soul was satisfied once and for all. I have never felt the need to be rich or important or powerful, because I have all I need in Christ. The whole world is looking for that contentment, but they are looking in the wrong places.
I pray that you will read what Jesus told the woman in John 4 and see if that has ever happened to you. If not, confess Jesus as Lord of your life and ask Him to take over your life once and for all. When He does that, He comes to us as the Water of Life, and not only will we be filled, but we will overflow onto other people. (John 4:14)
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Kings 22-23 and John 4:31-54.
I am glad that I can say without reservation that Jesus gave me that "Living Water" when I was 14 years old, and I have never had to have that thirst quenched again. Yes, I need my fellowship with him daily, and I need to grow in Him, but my soul was satisfied once and for all. I have never felt the need to be rich or important or powerful, because I have all I need in Christ. The whole world is looking for that contentment, but they are looking in the wrong places.
I pray that you will read what Jesus told the woman in John 4 and see if that has ever happened to you. If not, confess Jesus as Lord of your life and ask Him to take over your life once and for all. When He does that, He comes to us as the Water of Life, and not only will we be filled, but we will overflow onto other people. (John 4:14)
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Kings 22-23 and John 4:31-54.