My High School Reunion
This evening was my high school reunion. I have not been able to attend one since our twentieth, so everyone was quite different after 15 more years have passed. It was great to see friends from a long time ago and to catch up on family news. It was amazing how many had grandchildren the same ages as ours. As I looked around and talked to the members of my class, a verse that I had read this week in my "unhurried" time came to my mind. Psalms 144:4 says, "Man is like a breath: His days are like a passing shadow." It seems so impossible that it has been 35 years since we graduated from Avondale High School, but it has been every bit of that long. Each of us showed the signs of the years in different ways, but it was evident that time had passed. It seems like it passed so quickly. Then, there are those who are no longer with us. Their shadow has already passed. It really makes a person think about life and about eternity. The truth is that we must all be ready for that day when we will leave this world. The only way to be ready is to know the Lord of the universe, Jesus Christ. Then, we have the secure future with Him for eternity in Heaven. Please, don't put off getting to know Him. Life is much too fleeting to take that chance.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Proverbs 1-2 and I Corinthians 16.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Proverbs 1-2 and I Corinthians 16.