The Heart of Worship
There is a song named "The Heart of Worship." We sang it with the children at Good News Club yesterday, and we sing it in our worship services with our church family. It points us to the real meaning of worship and how we distort worship, if we are not careful. Also, this week I am re-memorizing Matthew 5:23-24 for my Masterlife 4 class. It occurred to me that Jesus did not say much about worship while He was on earth. However, what He did say had to do with the heart, not the music or the preaching. I think I know why that is the case. Our worship has much more to do with what is going on inside of us than it does in external things. Until our hearts are right with God and others, we can't really give ourselves totally to worship, because we will be distracted by other things.
All of this has led me to examine my own heart and relationships. I don't want anything hindering my worship. When I spend time alone with God or I am with believers in worship, I want to experience God's presence in fullness. I want to know that my worship is making God smile. I pray that is the goal of each of us. Let's not let anything or anyone keep us from true worship. Worship is too important to mess it up. I am the only one who can mess it up for me or make it right for me. The same is true for you. I pray that when we come together for worship with our church family we can be one with each other and together worship Jesus with all of our heart.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 41-42 and Matthew 12:1-23.
All of this has led me to examine my own heart and relationships. I don't want anything hindering my worship. When I spend time alone with God or I am with believers in worship, I want to experience God's presence in fullness. I want to know that my worship is making God smile. I pray that is the goal of each of us. Let's not let anything or anyone keep us from true worship. Worship is too important to mess it up. I am the only one who can mess it up for me or make it right for me. The same is true for you. I pray that when we come together for worship with our church family we can be one with each other and together worship Jesus with all of our heart.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 41-42 and Matthew 12:1-23.