Broken Cisterns, Instead of The Fountain of Living Waters - Jeremiah 1-2 and I Timothy 3
Finding an adequate supply of clean fresh water was a huge challenge in the Holy Land. Without clean water life was impossible. Therefore, the Lord used water as a symbol of spiritual life many times in the Bible. The best situation was to live by a river or stream that flowed all year round. There were not very many of those. Most of the streams dried up part of the year. Then, the people had to dig cisterns. A cistern is an underground tank to hold rain water. Of course, it did not rain much, but when it did they could store up the water for future use. It was terrible to have a broken cistern. This was a leaky tank that would not hold the water. When the person really needed the water, he would open the tank and find it empty. Jeremiah used this situation to describe God's people. He was called by God to deliver His message, and he told them their problem. They lived by the flowing fountain of living water, but instead of drinking from that fountain, they had dug cisterns that leaked. They were spiritually thirsty and dying, because they had rejected God, and they were depending on other gods to meet their needs. This was not only true in Jeremiah's day. It is true today. Not very many people avail themselves of the Fountain of Living Waters on a daily basis. They want to drink from their broken cisterns. The cisterns are dry, and so are their lives. From what source are you drinking?
Paul described the duties of an overseer or pastor and the deacons to Timothy, so that he would know how they were to conduct themselves in the body of Christ. The pastors and the deacons are the leaders to lead the people to the Living Waters. For many years I have marvelled at the old saying, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink." Why is that true? Why did someone have to coin that phrase at all? Who would not want to drink? The truth is that there are many reasons people will not drink from the Fountain. This must not discourage us, as leaders. We must keep leading them to the Lord as their only Source of spiritual life and health. That is what God has called us to do, and by His grace that is what we will continue to do in His strength. There is no greater life than to find the Fountain of Living Waters and to drink deeply from Him every day and to be obedient to Him all the way. That is my goal, and I hope it is yours.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Jeremiah 3-5 and I Timothy 4.
Paul described the duties of an overseer or pastor and the deacons to Timothy, so that he would know how they were to conduct themselves in the body of Christ. The pastors and the deacons are the leaders to lead the people to the Living Waters. For many years I have marvelled at the old saying, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink." Why is that true? Why did someone have to coin that phrase at all? Who would not want to drink? The truth is that there are many reasons people will not drink from the Fountain. This must not discourage us, as leaders. We must keep leading them to the Lord as their only Source of spiritual life and health. That is what God has called us to do, and by His grace that is what we will continue to do in His strength. There is no greater life than to find the Fountain of Living Waters and to drink deeply from Him every day and to be obedient to Him all the way. That is my goal, and I hope it is yours.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Jeremiah 3-5 and I Timothy 4.