Blameless in Holiness - Isaiah 45-46 and I Thessalonians 3
God is blameless in His perfect holiness. God never does anything wrong in any way. Many people accuse God of doing wrong or of treating them badly, but that is never the truth. God can and does use whatever means He desires to carry out His will, and He does it all in holiness. Isaiah gave Israel a good example of this perfect holiness, when he told them about how God was going to use Cyrus to do His will. Cyrus was a pagan king who did not know the Lord, but God used him to defeat Babylon and to allow Israel to return from the exile. He did not do this to promote Cyrus, but to show people His holiness and power. He had promised to return Israel after 70 years, and He kept His word. In fact, God always kept every part of His covenant with Israel. That was another way He acted in holiness. We can count on God to be holy. That is the single most important attribute of God for us to understand. He is perfect, and we are not. Keep that in mind.
Paul used this phrase "blameless in holiness" in I Thessalonians 3 in referring to the believers, not to God. Can we be blameless in holiness? We can't be perfect. We can't get to the point where we don't sin, as long as we are here in this world. However, our goal should be to stand before the Lord at His coming or when we go to heaven and to be blameless in holiness. This is another way of saying that we should have it as our goal to like Jesus. We should grow in our holiness, so that no one can point out sin in our lives of which we have not repented and made right between us and God as well as others. This is a lofty goal, but it is the only one worthy of our Lord who is perfectly holy. At least, we can strive to be blameless in holiness for His honor and glory.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 47-49 and I Thessalonians 4.
Paul used this phrase "blameless in holiness" in I Thessalonians 3 in referring to the believers, not to God. Can we be blameless in holiness? We can't be perfect. We can't get to the point where we don't sin, as long as we are here in this world. However, our goal should be to stand before the Lord at His coming or when we go to heaven and to be blameless in holiness. This is another way of saying that we should have it as our goal to like Jesus. We should grow in our holiness, so that no one can point out sin in our lives of which we have not repented and made right between us and God as well as others. This is a lofty goal, but it is the only one worthy of our Lord who is perfectly holy. At least, we can strive to be blameless in holiness for His honor and glory.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 47-49 and I Thessalonians 4.