The Counsel of the Lord Stands Forever - Psalms 33-34 and Acts 24
What the Lord does, He does well, and what He determines to do, will not be prevented. It stands for ever. He is the Sovereign Creator of the universe. He spoke it into existence, and He will forever be in control. No one is able to defeat Him in anything He decides to do. Therefore, as the psalmist encourages us, we should praise Him continually with instruments and a new song. He is so worthy of all of our praise. We can be sure that He will provide for His own, and He will stand against the wicked. We need not worry about Satan or any human being figuring out a way to undo the counsel of the Lord. We should just submit to His plan and follow Him with all of our heart.
Paul's life is a good example of this. Would he have decided to be imprisoned? No, but that was the will and counsel of God for him. Was he afraid that the Jews and their spokesman, Tertullus, would be able to thwart God's plan for his life? No, God had told him he would get to Rome, and Paul trusted Him in that. Paul took advantage of his imprisonment to witness to Felix, the Roman governor. He knew God had him in prison for a purpose, because God's counsel is perfect. God had planned this out in His mind, and He was working out His will in the world. Paul was joining God in what He was doing. He was not fighting against the plan of God. We must learn that lesson, too. We must not want our own will, but God's will. We must trust that He knows what He is doing and make the most of what each day brings as we are trusting Him. If He takes us to jail for His service, then we will serve Him in jail. If he gives us a good job, we will serve Him through that position. It is by trusting His plan that we cooperate with the Lord of the universe. It is so comforting to rest in His perfect wisdom.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 35-36 and Acts 25.
Paul's life is a good example of this. Would he have decided to be imprisoned? No, but that was the will and counsel of God for him. Was he afraid that the Jews and their spokesman, Tertullus, would be able to thwart God's plan for his life? No, God had told him he would get to Rome, and Paul trusted Him in that. Paul took advantage of his imprisonment to witness to Felix, the Roman governor. He knew God had him in prison for a purpose, because God's counsel is perfect. God had planned this out in His mind, and He was working out His will in the world. Paul was joining God in what He was doing. He was not fighting against the plan of God. We must learn that lesson, too. We must not want our own will, but God's will. We must trust that He knows what He is doing and make the most of what each day brings as we are trusting Him. If He takes us to jail for His service, then we will serve Him in jail. If he gives us a good job, we will serve Him through that position. It is by trusting His plan that we cooperate with the Lord of the universe. It is so comforting to rest in His perfect wisdom.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 35-36 and Acts 25.