The Changed Life - Psalms 13-15 and Acts 19:21-41
When we read these psalms, we might sense a contradiction. Really, there is no contradiction, but a paradox. David was right to affirm that there was no one who does good in Psalm 14, and then, to make a list of things we must do to stand in God's presence in Psalm 15. How can both of these psalms be true? We are all born sinful, and we can't do anything good on our own. However, once we come to know the Lord, He gives us the ability to live right, and He expects us to live a life of integrity before Him. If we do, He will bless us, not because we are living a perfect life, but we are allowing Him to empower us to live by His design. He is the perfect Father. What father does not want his children to do right? God not only shows us what is right, but He gives us the ability to do it. In fact, when we come to experience His love and grace, He even gives us the desire to do the right thing. Therefore, when believers come into the presence of God, He is looking to see if they have been obedient children, not perfect, but trying to please their Father.
In Ephesus Paul encountered a riot, because of the work of God. The conversions to Christianity scared the craftsmen who made the idols of Diana, and they stirred up the people into a riot. It was all really very sad, wasn't it? Grown men were caring more about money than the truth, and the people were in darkness worshiping silver and gold idols. How could this happen? Their hearts were corrupted by sin. They did not think right. They were blinded by Satan's lies, and they had not come to the truth yet. We see the same thing today. Should we be angry at these people? No, we should love them and tell them the truth, so they can come to know the Lord, too. They are only acting the way anyone acts before they have the Lord in their life. I pray that each of us will thank the Lord Jesus for taking us out of that corruption and ask Him to guide us in His light today, so we can stand clean in His presence.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 16-17 and Acts 20:1-16.
In Ephesus Paul encountered a riot, because of the work of God. The conversions to Christianity scared the craftsmen who made the idols of Diana, and they stirred up the people into a riot. It was all really very sad, wasn't it? Grown men were caring more about money than the truth, and the people were in darkness worshiping silver and gold idols. How could this happen? Their hearts were corrupted by sin. They did not think right. They were blinded by Satan's lies, and they had not come to the truth yet. We see the same thing today. Should we be angry at these people? No, we should love them and tell them the truth, so they can come to know the Lord, too. They are only acting the way anyone acts before they have the Lord in their life. I pray that each of us will thank the Lord Jesus for taking us out of that corruption and ask Him to guide us in His light today, so we can stand clean in His presence.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 16-17 and Acts 20:1-16.