Living by a Biblical Worldview - Nehemiah 7-9 and Acts 3
The remnant of the Israelites who returned to rebuild the Temple and the walls of Jerusalem were successful in completing the physical improvements that needed to be made. Then, the Lord sent a great revival, because their greatest need was for spiritual renewal. The people rose up and asked Ezra to read the Word of God to them. They stood for 6 hours at a time to listen to it being read and explained to them. They took it so seriously that they mourned over their sins, and they had to be reminded to rejoice in the Lord, too. The result of this revival was not just a lot of emotion; it was a sincere confession of sin and an understanding of what God was doing in their lives and why. That is what we read in chapter 9. It is a statement of a Biblical worldview. They began to see things as God had seen them and to adjust their lives to live according to His will. That is what we need to happen today. We need such a revival that leads people to live according to God's Word and to see life from His view of things. I urge all of us to pray for that kind of revival.
Acts 3 shows us the same thing. Peter and John had things right. They were living by a Biblical worldview. They had prayer as a priority. They were going to the Temple to pray. Then, when they saw the lame man, Peter told Him the reality of the situation. He had no money, but He did have the power of God. Therefore, he healed him in God's power. That led to a great opportunity to preach the Gospel to the crowd that assembled after the miracle. How many of us would have responded to the lame man in that way? I am afraid most of us would have thought about giving him money, or we would have just thought that there was nothing we could do for him. That is because we do not see things God's way. We are not living by a Biblical worldview. We need to live in the reality that God is All-Powerful. He can do anything. We must be sensitive to His will. When He calls on us to do a miracle like he called on Peter to raise this man up, we need to trust Him to do the miracle. If we have a closed mind, or we are not living by a Biblical worldview, we will miss the opportunity to do God's will.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Nehemiah 10-11 and Acts 4:1-22.
Acts 3 shows us the same thing. Peter and John had things right. They were living by a Biblical worldview. They had prayer as a priority. They were going to the Temple to pray. Then, when they saw the lame man, Peter told Him the reality of the situation. He had no money, but He did have the power of God. Therefore, he healed him in God's power. That led to a great opportunity to preach the Gospel to the crowd that assembled after the miracle. How many of us would have responded to the lame man in that way? I am afraid most of us would have thought about giving him money, or we would have just thought that there was nothing we could do for him. That is because we do not see things God's way. We are not living by a Biblical worldview. We need to live in the reality that God is All-Powerful. He can do anything. We must be sensitive to His will. When He calls on us to do a miracle like he called on Peter to raise this man up, we need to trust Him to do the miracle. If we have a closed mind, or we are not living by a Biblical worldview, we will miss the opportunity to do God's will.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Nehemiah 10-11 and Acts 4:1-22.