Sin Causes Spiritual Blindness - I Kings 10-11 and Luke 21:20-38
Solomon proved to the Queen of Sheba that he was the wisest and wealthiest king. All of the wisdom and the wealth came as a blessing from the Lord. Once Solomon departed from God's will, God sent adversaries against him, and He prepared to take the kingdom from him. How could this happen to the wisest man in the world? He sinned by having pagan wives, and his sin caused him to become more and more blind to the Lord until he was spiritually blind. That is the only explanation for him building the temples to the idols and worshiping them, himself. However, this did not just happen to Solomon. It happens to anyone who allows sin to creep into his or her life. It is a gradual process. Slowly, the sight becomes blurry, and then, it is gone. Things that were plain and clear, become totally unrecognizable. Spiritual blindness is a terrible condition. (II Peter 1:2-9)
Jesus mentioned the same condition in Luke 21 as He spoke about the events surrounding the end of the age. We would all like to know exactly what will happen and when, but we don't know. The key is to stay faithful to the Lord and not to get off track in carousing, drunkenness, and the cares of this life. Those things lead us to sin like Solomon. They lead us to spiritual blindness. Instead, we are called to watch. That means to keep our spiritual eyesight clear. We must stay away from sin, and keep our focus on the Lord. We must pray for Him to give us insight, and He will.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Kings 12-13 and Luke 22:1-20.
Jesus mentioned the same condition in Luke 21 as He spoke about the events surrounding the end of the age. We would all like to know exactly what will happen and when, but we don't know. The key is to stay faithful to the Lord and not to get off track in carousing, drunkenness, and the cares of this life. Those things lead us to sin like Solomon. They lead us to spiritual blindness. Instead, we are called to watch. That means to keep our spiritual eyesight clear. We must stay away from sin, and keep our focus on the Lord. We must pray for Him to give us insight, and He will.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Kings 12-13 and Luke 22:1-20.