God Gives Us All Tests to Pass or to Fail - Joshua 1-3 and Luke 4:1-30
I don't know whether you like tests or not, but they are a part of life. God uses tests to show us whether we are following Him or not. He knows how we are doing in our relationship with Him, but He wants us to see for ourselves. Sometimes, a test shows us our sin. Sometimes, a test shows us our faith. All of the time, God desires for us to pass the test by trusting Him. He will even give us the power and direction to pass the test, but we must choose to turn to Him and obey.
Israel failed their tests over and over again. Judges 1-3 is a sad story. Israel failed to fulfill their part of the covenant, which was a major test from God. They did not kill all of the pagan people of the land of Canaan and destroy their idols. They decided it was impossible, and God allowed those people to oppress them as a test. He wanted to see if the Israelites would repent and turn to Him. Sometimes, they would do that when He sent a judge. However, it was not long until they failed another test. Then, they would be oppressed again. Think of all of the tests you have had. How are you doing? Are you passing them or failing them?
Luke 4 shows us how Jesus passed His tests with Satan tempting Him to leave God's mission for His live. He was tested, because He went through all the same things we go through. Yet, Jesus did not sin. He did not fail the test. The people in His hometown failed the ultimate test. They would not believe He was the Messiah. Just because they were familiar with His family, they rejected Him. What about you? Have you passed the ultimate test? Have you placed your faith in Jesus as Lord as you turned from your sin to following Him? I pray that you have passed that test and that you will faithfully pass the other tests God sends into your life.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Judges 4-6 and Luke 4:31-44.
Israel failed their tests over and over again. Judges 1-3 is a sad story. Israel failed to fulfill their part of the covenant, which was a major test from God. They did not kill all of the pagan people of the land of Canaan and destroy their idols. They decided it was impossible, and God allowed those people to oppress them as a test. He wanted to see if the Israelites would repent and turn to Him. Sometimes, they would do that when He sent a judge. However, it was not long until they failed another test. Then, they would be oppressed again. Think of all of the tests you have had. How are you doing? Are you passing them or failing them?
Luke 4 shows us how Jesus passed His tests with Satan tempting Him to leave God's mission for His live. He was tested, because He went through all the same things we go through. Yet, Jesus did not sin. He did not fail the test. The people in His hometown failed the ultimate test. They would not believe He was the Messiah. Just because they were familiar with His family, they rejected Him. What about you? Have you passed the ultimate test? Have you placed your faith in Jesus as Lord as you turned from your sin to following Him? I pray that you have passed that test and that you will faithfully pass the other tests God sends into your life.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Judges 4-6 and Luke 4:31-44.