God's Provision for Us is Perfect - Exodus 23-24 and Matthew 20:1-16
God designed us, so He knows just what we need. He knows us better than we know ourselves. It is futile for us to try to understand ourselves or to provide for our needs apart from Him. We will always miss something and fall short of what He intended. I think we will see this clearly as we read His Word today.
Exodus 23 and 24 explain several things God told His people and several things He did for them. Notice the wisdom in each one. God exhorted them to treat everyone in a just way and to stay away from brides and things that would hinder justice from being done. Why did He give these laws? He knew that human nature was bent toward selfishness and revenge. Then, He reminded them of the law of Sabbaths. We all need breaks. Rest is essential to how He made us. If we ignore that law, it will hurt us badly. Even the feasts provided a very important time of unity for the people. We all need to work together and have the same vision of what God wants us to do. God knew that, so He told them to come together 3 times a year. Did you read about the angel God sent to guide them? How neat was that? God knew their need for constant direction. He used an angel then. He gives us His Spirit within us now. This is God meeting a special need. What happened if they did not listen to the angel? What happens when we don't listen to the Spirit. God even drove out their enemies a little at a time, so they could grow to take over the land. Do you and I know that we have to grow in character to be able to handle all of the problems of life? I hope we realize that. Allowing the elders to see His form and having Moses come up on the mountain to receive the tablets with the law written by His hand was a great provision. God was proving Himself to them. He does the same thing for us today, if we are obeying Him.
Now, take this truth and relate it to the parable in Matthew 20. They each got the same pay for different amounts of work. Is that unfair? Should they have complained? It was Jesus' way of telling us that God's provision is enough. He is the owner of all. He can and does give us what He knows we need. Some people are trying to go their own way and meet their own needs. That never works as well as listening to God and accepting His provision for us. In the end we all get to live in heaven for eternity, too. That should put an end to any complaining about what God did for us in this world.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Exodus 25-26 and Matthew 20:17-34.
Exodus 23 and 24 explain several things God told His people and several things He did for them. Notice the wisdom in each one. God exhorted them to treat everyone in a just way and to stay away from brides and things that would hinder justice from being done. Why did He give these laws? He knew that human nature was bent toward selfishness and revenge. Then, He reminded them of the law of Sabbaths. We all need breaks. Rest is essential to how He made us. If we ignore that law, it will hurt us badly. Even the feasts provided a very important time of unity for the people. We all need to work together and have the same vision of what God wants us to do. God knew that, so He told them to come together 3 times a year. Did you read about the angel God sent to guide them? How neat was that? God knew their need for constant direction. He used an angel then. He gives us His Spirit within us now. This is God meeting a special need. What happened if they did not listen to the angel? What happens when we don't listen to the Spirit. God even drove out their enemies a little at a time, so they could grow to take over the land. Do you and I know that we have to grow in character to be able to handle all of the problems of life? I hope we realize that. Allowing the elders to see His form and having Moses come up on the mountain to receive the tablets with the law written by His hand was a great provision. God was proving Himself to them. He does the same thing for us today, if we are obeying Him.
Now, take this truth and relate it to the parable in Matthew 20. They each got the same pay for different amounts of work. Is that unfair? Should they have complained? It was Jesus' way of telling us that God's provision is enough. He is the owner of all. He can and does give us what He knows we need. Some people are trying to go their own way and meet their own needs. That never works as well as listening to God and accepting His provision for us. In the end we all get to live in heaven for eternity, too. That should put an end to any complaining about what God did for us in this world.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Exodus 25-26 and Matthew 20:17-34.