God's Faithfulness and Our Faith - Genesis 31-32 and Matthew 9:18-38
Jacob came to a moment of decision. Laban's attitude had changed toward him. He was afraid of what he might do to him and his family. Therefore, Jacob had to decide to trust God's promise to return home in safety or to do things his way. Even though Jacob was afraid of Laban and Esau, he decided to trust God and return. We have to realize that God is always faithful to do what He says He will do, but often, He is waiting to see if we will trust Him. The reason for this is that God acts on the basis of relationships, and relationships are based on trust. God wanted to see if Jacob trusted Him, and He wants to see if we will trust Him and His Word to us.
God worked out the details with Laban, even to the point of appearing to him in a dream to warn him not to harm Jacob. I would say that shows how serious He was about taking care of Jacob and his family, wouldn't you? Then, He took care of Esau. After 20 years, Jacob was still afraid of Esau. He prayed for God to remember His covenant promise to bring him home safely, and he continued on his way. However, when he was told that Esau was coming with 400 men, his fear was fueled again. He sent the gifts out in waves and divided his group into two companies. However, most importantly he wrestled with God. I believe it was the Lord Jesus, Himself. He would not let Him go until He blessed him. I believe Jesus came down physically to strengthen Jacob, and because of his anguish, Jacob grabbed Jesus and would not let Him go. Is that the kind of faith you have? Are you willing to grapple with God's promises and His Word, until you receive the blessing? God loves that type of faith and tenacity. He even changed Jacob's name from the "Deceiver" to the "Prince of God." What a change! It happened because Jacob decided to live by faith and not by deception.
In Matthew 9 we see the same truth. The ruler believed that Jesus could raise his daughter from the dead. That is great faith, and Jesus responded by bringing her back to life. The lady with the bleeding decided to trust Jesus by touching His clothes. Jesus responded to her faith. Jesus asked the blind, mute man if he believed or if he trusted Christ to be able to heal him. He said, "Yes, Lord." Jesus told him ,"According to your faith, let it be to you." Let's apply that standard to us. Do we realize that God is faithful, but He is waiting to see our faith in Him? Can you see the connection between your faith and what is happening to you? There is a direct connection according to Jesus. Let's trust Him and see what happens.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 33-35 and Matthew 10:1-20.
God worked out the details with Laban, even to the point of appearing to him in a dream to warn him not to harm Jacob. I would say that shows how serious He was about taking care of Jacob and his family, wouldn't you? Then, He took care of Esau. After 20 years, Jacob was still afraid of Esau. He prayed for God to remember His covenant promise to bring him home safely, and he continued on his way. However, when he was told that Esau was coming with 400 men, his fear was fueled again. He sent the gifts out in waves and divided his group into two companies. However, most importantly he wrestled with God. I believe it was the Lord Jesus, Himself. He would not let Him go until He blessed him. I believe Jesus came down physically to strengthen Jacob, and because of his anguish, Jacob grabbed Jesus and would not let Him go. Is that the kind of faith you have? Are you willing to grapple with God's promises and His Word, until you receive the blessing? God loves that type of faith and tenacity. He even changed Jacob's name from the "Deceiver" to the "Prince of God." What a change! It happened because Jacob decided to live by faith and not by deception.
In Matthew 9 we see the same truth. The ruler believed that Jesus could raise his daughter from the dead. That is great faith, and Jesus responded by bringing her back to life. The lady with the bleeding decided to trust Jesus by touching His clothes. Jesus responded to her faith. Jesus asked the blind, mute man if he believed or if he trusted Christ to be able to heal him. He said, "Yes, Lord." Jesus told him ,"According to your faith, let it be to you." Let's apply that standard to us. Do we realize that God is faithful, but He is waiting to see our faith in Him? Can you see the connection between your faith and what is happening to you? There is a direct connection according to Jesus. Let's trust Him and see what happens.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 33-35 and Matthew 10:1-20.