December 9, 2006 - Daniel 11-12 and Jude
Many people like to try to figure out what the end of time will be like. They look at passages like these two we read today, and they try to piece together exactly what will happen and when it will happen. I believe that this type of thinking can be good, but it can be bad, too. If we think about the future so much that we forget to do God's will now, that is very bad. If we allow the future events to inspire us to live for Jesus even more now, that is very good. So, I pray that we won't get bogged down in the details, but we will know that Jesus is coming, and we need to be busy about His will until that day comes.
Daniel 11 and 12 contain many prophecies that could have been fulfilled already and some that are obviously going to come true in the future. One of the problems with discerning the prophecies of the Bible is being able to tell the difference or seeing how they go together. Sometimes a prophecy has two fulfillments. One is in the past, and then, the ultimate fulfillment is in the future. Isaiah 7:14 is a good example of this principle. Therefore, some of these things in Daniel could refer to people in the past and in the future. Many people believe that they point to the Antichrist, who will arise at the end of time. They say he will make a treaty with Israel. (11:23,28.) They think he may be a homosexual, and he will be worshiped as a god. (11:37) It could be that he will promote his own religion. (11:38) It is obvious that Daniel 12:1 points to a time of great tribulation in the world. It will be a time of much knowledge, when people run to and fro. (12:4) That sounds like today, doesn't it? However, even with all of these facts, we must be careful, because of one thing Daniel is told. It will be the wise who understand what is happening at the end. (12:10) We must not set our hearts on figuring things out ourselves, but we must set our hearts on being filled with the Holy Spirit and having God's wisdom. That is the only way, we will know what God is doing.
The same is true for what we read in Jude. In the last times, there will be many who deceive people into believing false doctrine. They will be very arrogant in their claims. However, they will have no real substance like clouds without rain and trees without fruit. Only the true godly believers will be able to tell the difference between the real thing and the counterfeit of Satan. Therefore, we must stay close to the Lord, and walk with Him daily, or we could be led astray.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Hosea 1-4 and Revelation 1.
Daniel 11 and 12 contain many prophecies that could have been fulfilled already and some that are obviously going to come true in the future. One of the problems with discerning the prophecies of the Bible is being able to tell the difference or seeing how they go together. Sometimes a prophecy has two fulfillments. One is in the past, and then, the ultimate fulfillment is in the future. Isaiah 7:14 is a good example of this principle. Therefore, some of these things in Daniel could refer to people in the past and in the future. Many people believe that they point to the Antichrist, who will arise at the end of time. They say he will make a treaty with Israel. (11:23,28.) They think he may be a homosexual, and he will be worshiped as a god. (11:37) It could be that he will promote his own religion. (11:38) It is obvious that Daniel 12:1 points to a time of great tribulation in the world. It will be a time of much knowledge, when people run to and fro. (12:4) That sounds like today, doesn't it? However, even with all of these facts, we must be careful, because of one thing Daniel is told. It will be the wise who understand what is happening at the end. (12:10) We must not set our hearts on figuring things out ourselves, but we must set our hearts on being filled with the Holy Spirit and having God's wisdom. That is the only way, we will know what God is doing.
The same is true for what we read in Jude. In the last times, there will be many who deceive people into believing false doctrine. They will be very arrogant in their claims. However, they will have no real substance like clouds without rain and trees without fruit. Only the true godly believers will be able to tell the difference between the real thing and the counterfeit of Satan. Therefore, we must stay close to the Lord, and walk with Him daily, or we could be led astray.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Hosea 1-4 and Revelation 1.