June 2, 2006 - II Chronicles 17-18 and John 13:1-20

II Chronicles 17-18 tells us about Jehoshaphat, king of Judah. Did you read about his righteous heart and his righteous actions to promote true worship and destroy pagan worship? He was a wonderful king, who followed in the steps of David. I have always wondered why he got involved with Ahab, the wicked king of Israel. What was he thinking when he made a marriage treaty? (18:1) Why would he agree to go to battle with Ahab? (18:3) I especially don't understand his decision after the prophet Micaiah gives them the Lord's Word about Israel being defeated by Syria. However, he did go to battle, and the Lord had to protect him from being killed, which He did, when Jehoshaphat cried out to Him. (18:31) I believe that this shows us that righteous people still make bad decisions. I believe it is a lesson in being careful in how we relate to other people. Even if Jehoshaphat was trying to be a positive influence on Ahab, he should not have agreed to go to battle. When we witness to others, we do not have to put ourselves in compromising or dangerous positions from which God has to deliver us. We need to ask God for His discernment in these relationships and make sure we are doing His will in His way, not our own way.

In John 13 Jesus washes the feet of His disciples. He shows them His humble love, even though He knows He is Lord of all. (v.3) This is such a moving example of how we should serve others. (v.14) It is more than an example, it is a command. However, one of the disciples Jesus chose was an unrighteous man. Judas was the one who would betray Him. We can get some insights into how to relate to unbelievers from Jesus' relationship with Judas. He loved him, but Judas was not in His inner circle of disciples. He did not give in to Judas's unrighteous requests like selling the ointment for the poor. He was a positive influence without allowing Judas to influence Him. That is what we should do.

Tomorrow, I intend to read II Chronicles 19-20 and John 13:21-38.

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