June 15, 2006 - Nehemiah 1-3 and Acts 2:1-21
Yesterday, we thought about the importance of being in one accord with God and with other believers. The conclusion was that we would not do God's will, if we were not on the same page as God and other believers. Today, let's continue that theme as we read these passages. Let's consider how God's will gets done when we are in one accord with Him and other believers. I know God will speak to you as you read and think about this today.
Nehemiah 1-3 tells the story of how Nehemiah returned to Jerusalem with the burden from the Lord to lead the people to rebuild the Walls of Jerusalem, so that God's people would no longer be a reproach in the eyes of the people of the land. Nehemiah risked his life to speak to the king about this and to ask for his help. He fasted and prayed. He knew that it was God's will, because he saw the hand of the Lord upon his efforts. When he surveyed the condition of the wall, he saw a huge job before him and the people, but he was ready. He exhorted the people to join with him, and they did. They were of one accord in doing God's will. How did they do the job? Everyone was involved except for a very few people, and those people were out of God's will. (3:5) They all worked on the wall, no matter what they did for a living. They all did a manageable part of the wall, and the work was done quickly and well. I believe that is always how God wants to work through His people. He wants all of us to work together. He does not mean for the work of the Gospel to be done by a few professionals. We are all to build the Kingdom in our sphere of influence. If we will do it God's way, no one will be overly burdened with the work, and all will be blessed for doing their part. What are you doing to build the kingdom? I urge you to put your shoulder to the work.
In Acts 2 we see the same effort of all of the disciples to share the Gospel. There was not just one preacher on the day of Pentecost. They all spoke for the Lord. They did it in the power of the Spirit. That is the key in our day. Each of us as believers has the Spirit, and we must allow Him to empower us to do the work of the Lord. When we all witness as we should the whole world can come to know Christ in a short time without any group of people being overwhelmed. Will you ask the Spirit to fill you today? Will you participate in the building of the kingdom by sharing the Good News of Jesus to those around you? All you have to do is to be faithful to the Lord's will. We are all to be witnesses. (Acts 1:8) If we will all witness in the power of the Spirit, the whole world can come to Christ quickly. As it is many people are going to an eternity in hell, because many believers refuse to be a part of the work of building the kingdom.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Nehemiah 4-6 and Acts 2:22-47.
Nehemiah 1-3 tells the story of how Nehemiah returned to Jerusalem with the burden from the Lord to lead the people to rebuild the Walls of Jerusalem, so that God's people would no longer be a reproach in the eyes of the people of the land. Nehemiah risked his life to speak to the king about this and to ask for his help. He fasted and prayed. He knew that it was God's will, because he saw the hand of the Lord upon his efforts. When he surveyed the condition of the wall, he saw a huge job before him and the people, but he was ready. He exhorted the people to join with him, and they did. They were of one accord in doing God's will. How did they do the job? Everyone was involved except for a very few people, and those people were out of God's will. (3:5) They all worked on the wall, no matter what they did for a living. They all did a manageable part of the wall, and the work was done quickly and well. I believe that is always how God wants to work through His people. He wants all of us to work together. He does not mean for the work of the Gospel to be done by a few professionals. We are all to build the Kingdom in our sphere of influence. If we will do it God's way, no one will be overly burdened with the work, and all will be blessed for doing their part. What are you doing to build the kingdom? I urge you to put your shoulder to the work.
In Acts 2 we see the same effort of all of the disciples to share the Gospel. There was not just one preacher on the day of Pentecost. They all spoke for the Lord. They did it in the power of the Spirit. That is the key in our day. Each of us as believers has the Spirit, and we must allow Him to empower us to do the work of the Lord. When we all witness as we should the whole world can come to know Christ in a short time without any group of people being overwhelmed. Will you ask the Spirit to fill you today? Will you participate in the building of the kingdom by sharing the Good News of Jesus to those around you? All you have to do is to be faithful to the Lord's will. We are all to be witnesses. (Acts 1:8) If we will all witness in the power of the Spirit, the whole world can come to Christ quickly. As it is many people are going to an eternity in hell, because many believers refuse to be a part of the work of building the kingdom.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Nehemiah 4-6 and Acts 2:22-47.