May 14, 2006 - II Kings 19-21 and John 4:1-30
What do you need today? Is it something that is impossible for you? It is not impossible for God. We need to learn from Hezekiah and from Jesus this morning. We need to see how to touch God's heart. I pray that we all know how much God loves us and wants to meet our needs.
Chapter 19 shows us how Hezekiah cried out to God for deliverance from the Assyrian threat and how God answered his prayer. The truth is that God had raised up Assyria to punish the nations in their area. Now, He would stop them from attacking Jerusalem. Hezekiah had no power against Assyria, but he had power with God, when he prayed. We can all have power with God when we go to him in sincere believing prayer. We must not fail to pray.
Chapter 20 records another prayer of Hezekiah. This time it is for his personal health and even his life. God answered that prayer, too. He added 15 years to his life, and He gave him a miraculous sign to show His intention. God blessed Hezekiah in many ways, and the only conclusion we can draw from these accounts is that it had to do with his heart of trust in God and his earnest prayers. I pray that we will be known for our hearts of prayer.
Chapter 21 shows us the opposite. Manasseh and Amon were evil kings. They sought the pagan gods. Their sin brought Judah down to defeat. I don't know why they did not follow in the steps of Hezekiah, but we can see the contrast. God gave Hezekiah and the kingdom of Judah peace, while Hezekiah was trusting God, but He began to forsake them, when they forsook Him. Have you noticed the effects of prayerlessness in your life? There will be effects when we fail to trust God. Some of them may be severe.
John 4 tells the story of Jesus and the woman at the well in Samaria. This story tells us many things that are very important. However, let's just focus on a few this morning. Jesus cares for those who don't know Him. He takes the time to reach out to them in love and in conviction of sin. He reveals the truth to see if they will respond in faith. This lady did respond in faith, so He blessed her. She did not understand everything, but she looked to Him with wonder, and she took Him at His word. We can be assured of Jesus' love. We can be assured that if we listen to Him and turn to Him that He is there for us. Why don't you turn to Him today and tell Him what you need?
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Kings 22-23 and John 4:31-54.
Chapter 19 shows us how Hezekiah cried out to God for deliverance from the Assyrian threat and how God answered his prayer. The truth is that God had raised up Assyria to punish the nations in their area. Now, He would stop them from attacking Jerusalem. Hezekiah had no power against Assyria, but he had power with God, when he prayed. We can all have power with God when we go to him in sincere believing prayer. We must not fail to pray.
Chapter 20 records another prayer of Hezekiah. This time it is for his personal health and even his life. God answered that prayer, too. He added 15 years to his life, and He gave him a miraculous sign to show His intention. God blessed Hezekiah in many ways, and the only conclusion we can draw from these accounts is that it had to do with his heart of trust in God and his earnest prayers. I pray that we will be known for our hearts of prayer.
Chapter 21 shows us the opposite. Manasseh and Amon were evil kings. They sought the pagan gods. Their sin brought Judah down to defeat. I don't know why they did not follow in the steps of Hezekiah, but we can see the contrast. God gave Hezekiah and the kingdom of Judah peace, while Hezekiah was trusting God, but He began to forsake them, when they forsook Him. Have you noticed the effects of prayerlessness in your life? There will be effects when we fail to trust God. Some of them may be severe.
John 4 tells the story of Jesus and the woman at the well in Samaria. This story tells us many things that are very important. However, let's just focus on a few this morning. Jesus cares for those who don't know Him. He takes the time to reach out to them in love and in conviction of sin. He reveals the truth to see if they will respond in faith. This lady did respond in faith, so He blessed her. She did not understand everything, but she looked to Him with wonder, and she took Him at His word. We can be assured of Jesus' love. We can be assured that if we listen to Him and turn to Him that He is there for us. Why don't you turn to Him today and tell Him what you need?
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Kings 22-23 and John 4:31-54.