March 28, 2006 - Judges 4-6 and Luke 4:31-44
Each day we read the book of Judges, we will see how Israel was continuing to get farther and farther from the Lord, and things were getting worse and worse. I pray that it will not be depressing to you, but instructive. I hope we will all see that this downward spiral can be broken, if we remain obedient to the Lord. Where are you at today? Are you getting farther away from God, or are you getting closer to Him? Those are the only two options, since we can never stay where we are spiritually.
Chapters 4 and 5 deal with Deborah and Barak. It shows us that there was not even one man to judge Israel and to lead them into battle, so God used a godly woman. There was nothing wrong with Deborah being a prophetess. That just means she spoke forth God's Word as He gave her insight. However, the Bible makes it clear that women are not to be the leaders in spiritual matters, because God has given that role to men. Therefore, I believe that Deborah had stepped up to fill a void, when she judged the people in the gate. She was the only one to tell them what God's Word said, so she did it. She was not trying to take the authority from the men. We see that, because she called for Barak to lead them into battle, once God told her that He would give them victory. When Barak was hesitant, God proclaimed that He would even use a woman to kill Sisera, the opposing general. That was God's ultimate insult to the men in Israel, and Deborah even wrote a song, so people would remember it forever. I am afraid the same sin is committed all the time today. Men fail to lead spiritually, and godly women have to fill a void. The sin belongs to the men. As long as a woman is not trying to take authority and her heart is right, I believe God can use her. However, God can't really bless unless the men step up and take their position of leadership in spiritual matters.
Chapter 6 begins the story of Gideon. It is insightful, because Gideon felt inferior, and he had to ask for so many signs. Why was he so unsure of himself? It was a sign that the people were so far from God that they could not understand His will easily. They were totally disoriented to what God was doing. Even though God chose Gideon to deliver them from the Midianite oppression, he took a lot of encouragement at first. Do you realize that the Angel of the Lord who appeared to Gideon was Jesus coming to him personally? That was God's most direct way of showing His will and His power in the Old Testament. It was necessary here, because His people were so far from Him. How much does God have to do to reveal His will to you? Can He whisper to you, or does he have to yell at you? Please, don't make Him yell.
Luke 4 speaks of the authority of Jesus. Notice all of the times it says He spoke with authority or He rebuked something. Jesus is Truth. When He speaks. it is always right.His words are powerful. When we speak God's Word, we are speaking in the authority of Jesus. His Word will accomplish great things, even today. It is very important for us to immerse ourselves in His Word each day and to be ready to share His Word with others in His authority. That is how God's will is done in this world. It is not our authority that is important. It is His authority that counts.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Judges 7-8 and Luke 5:1-16.
Chapters 4 and 5 deal with Deborah and Barak. It shows us that there was not even one man to judge Israel and to lead them into battle, so God used a godly woman. There was nothing wrong with Deborah being a prophetess. That just means she spoke forth God's Word as He gave her insight. However, the Bible makes it clear that women are not to be the leaders in spiritual matters, because God has given that role to men. Therefore, I believe that Deborah had stepped up to fill a void, when she judged the people in the gate. She was the only one to tell them what God's Word said, so she did it. She was not trying to take the authority from the men. We see that, because she called for Barak to lead them into battle, once God told her that He would give them victory. When Barak was hesitant, God proclaimed that He would even use a woman to kill Sisera, the opposing general. That was God's ultimate insult to the men in Israel, and Deborah even wrote a song, so people would remember it forever. I am afraid the same sin is committed all the time today. Men fail to lead spiritually, and godly women have to fill a void. The sin belongs to the men. As long as a woman is not trying to take authority and her heart is right, I believe God can use her. However, God can't really bless unless the men step up and take their position of leadership in spiritual matters.
Chapter 6 begins the story of Gideon. It is insightful, because Gideon felt inferior, and he had to ask for so many signs. Why was he so unsure of himself? It was a sign that the people were so far from God that they could not understand His will easily. They were totally disoriented to what God was doing. Even though God chose Gideon to deliver them from the Midianite oppression, he took a lot of encouragement at first. Do you realize that the Angel of the Lord who appeared to Gideon was Jesus coming to him personally? That was God's most direct way of showing His will and His power in the Old Testament. It was necessary here, because His people were so far from Him. How much does God have to do to reveal His will to you? Can He whisper to you, or does he have to yell at you? Please, don't make Him yell.
Luke 4 speaks of the authority of Jesus. Notice all of the times it says He spoke with authority or He rebuked something. Jesus is Truth. When He speaks. it is always right.His words are powerful. When we speak God's Word, we are speaking in the authority of Jesus. His Word will accomplish great things, even today. It is very important for us to immerse ourselves in His Word each day and to be ready to share His Word with others in His authority. That is how God's will is done in this world. It is not our authority that is important. It is His authority that counts.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Judges 7-8 and Luke 5:1-16.