March 1, 2006 - Numbers 21-24 and Mark 7:14-37
Many people have the wrong idea about God's punishment. They think that God punishes people because He hates them. That is not the case. God hates sin. He does not hate people. He punishes out of love to try to correct people or to call them to repentance. This passage in Numbers is a good example of this. I hope you can see God's message here.
In chapter 21 we read about God giving the Hebrews the victory over the three groups of people who attacked them on the east side of the Jordan. Remember, the people were wandering in the wilderness, because of God's punishment, but He still gave them the victory over these enemies. Why did He do that? They were still His people, and He had a plan for them. However, in the midst of the victories, they began to complain, so He punished them with the fiery serpents. Many people died from the bites of these serpents. They had to look at the bronze serpent on the pole to be delivered. This was teaching them to put their faith in God, even when He did not make logical sense. It was faith in His Word that saved them. He did this because He loved them. You see, God's punishment did not come to destroy them, but to lead them in the right way, because He loved them.
Chapters 22-24 tell the story of the pagan prophet Balaam. King Balak called on him to curse Israel so he could defeat them, but that could not happen, because Israel was blessed by God. What do you mean "blessed by God"? They were wandering in the wilderness until a whole generation died. How is that being blessed? They were God's people. He was acting in righteousness to punish their sin, but He still loved them, and He had a plan for them. He was not going to allow Satan to defeat them in the process. In fact, this passage shows us that nothing can come to a child of God unless He allows it to come. This should cause us to fear God's punishment, but to glory in His great love. He is a loving Father, who punishes His children for their own good. He punishes those who don't trust Him, so they will see their need for Him. He is not willing for any to perish, but for all to come to repentance.
Mark 7 concludes with some important truths. The heart of a person brings defilement, not what comes from the outside. That is why you can take the person away from evil influences, and that person will find some other way to sin. It comes from within. The heart is the source of sin. The outside influences are bad. They tempt us to sin, but we still have the choice. It is from the heart that the choice is made. Jesus is trying to get us to see that we are to blame for our sin. We can't use excuses about outside influences. Satan does not make us do anything. We choose to do the wrong thing because of our sinful hearts. We need to make sure our hearts are cleansed by the blood of Jesus and that we are walking in His power every day with a clean heart. Then, we will not fall into sin no matter what comes from the outside.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Numbers 25-27 and Mark 8:1-21.
In chapter 21 we read about God giving the Hebrews the victory over the three groups of people who attacked them on the east side of the Jordan. Remember, the people were wandering in the wilderness, because of God's punishment, but He still gave them the victory over these enemies. Why did He do that? They were still His people, and He had a plan for them. However, in the midst of the victories, they began to complain, so He punished them with the fiery serpents. Many people died from the bites of these serpents. They had to look at the bronze serpent on the pole to be delivered. This was teaching them to put their faith in God, even when He did not make logical sense. It was faith in His Word that saved them. He did this because He loved them. You see, God's punishment did not come to destroy them, but to lead them in the right way, because He loved them.
Chapters 22-24 tell the story of the pagan prophet Balaam. King Balak called on him to curse Israel so he could defeat them, but that could not happen, because Israel was blessed by God. What do you mean "blessed by God"? They were wandering in the wilderness until a whole generation died. How is that being blessed? They were God's people. He was acting in righteousness to punish their sin, but He still loved them, and He had a plan for them. He was not going to allow Satan to defeat them in the process. In fact, this passage shows us that nothing can come to a child of God unless He allows it to come. This should cause us to fear God's punishment, but to glory in His great love. He is a loving Father, who punishes His children for their own good. He punishes those who don't trust Him, so they will see their need for Him. He is not willing for any to perish, but for all to come to repentance.
Mark 7 concludes with some important truths. The heart of a person brings defilement, not what comes from the outside. That is why you can take the person away from evil influences, and that person will find some other way to sin. It comes from within. The heart is the source of sin. The outside influences are bad. They tempt us to sin, but we still have the choice. It is from the heart that the choice is made. Jesus is trying to get us to see that we are to blame for our sin. We can't use excuses about outside influences. Satan does not make us do anything. We choose to do the wrong thing because of our sinful hearts. We need to make sure our hearts are cleansed by the blood of Jesus and that we are walking in His power every day with a clean heart. Then, we will not fall into sin no matter what comes from the outside.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Numbers 25-27 and Mark 8:1-21.