February 8, 2006 - Leviticus 4-5 and Matthew 14:29-51
There is one word that is repeated over and over in Exodus 4 and 5. It is a very important word. Did you see it? It is the word atonement. We don't use this word much in every day life, but it is so important to life. The word atonement means that something is done, so that two persons can be reconciled. It means that something is done to remove what is between the two persons. In the case of Leviticus and the sacrificial system the barrier between man and God is sin. The goal is not just to have the sin forgiven, but to bring the person back together with God, so the relationship is restored. Therefore, God looks at the heart of the person offering the sacrifice, whether it is a leader or a common person. God looks for the blood of the sacrifice, because there is no remission of sin without the blood. However, He looks for confession of sin. (5:5) In some cases He looks for restitution to be made. (5:15) He looks for the relationship to be made right. It is not a ritual. It is a coming back together once the person realizes the problem, the sin. It is a restoration. That is what God wants. He wants atonement. He wants to be "at one" again. This is not only true in our relationship with God, but it is true in our human relationships. God desires atonement not separation, not unforgiveness and hard feelings. Let's learn the lessons of atonement, so we can be right with God and man.
Matthew 24 continues the teaching about the second coming of Christ. It is a unique time in history, because we should be able to tell it is coming by the signs of human events and the signs of nature, but no one knows the exact day and hour. Therefore, we must be ready. We must be watching. We must be faithful to continue the Lord's work until we meet Him. No matter your views on the rapture, the tribulation, and the second coming, these two elements are clearly taught in the Bible. It could happen at any time, so we must be ready. We must watch the signs, so we will not be fooled by what is going on around us. We must point people to Christ. Again, I emphasize that it should give us an urgency about life and about sharing the Gospel with the world.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Leviticus 6-7 and Matthew 25:1-30.
Matthew 24 continues the teaching about the second coming of Christ. It is a unique time in history, because we should be able to tell it is coming by the signs of human events and the signs of nature, but no one knows the exact day and hour. Therefore, we must be ready. We must be watching. We must be faithful to continue the Lord's work until we meet Him. No matter your views on the rapture, the tribulation, and the second coming, these two elements are clearly taught in the Bible. It could happen at any time, so we must be ready. We must watch the signs, so we will not be fooled by what is going on around us. We must point people to Christ. Again, I emphasize that it should give us an urgency about life and about sharing the Gospel with the world.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Leviticus 6-7 and Matthew 25:1-30.