January 20, 2006 - Genesis 49-50 and Matthew 13:31-58
How did you like reading through Genesis at a slower rate like we did this time? What did you notice this time that you did not see last time, when we read it more quickly? I hope you can see the importance of reading long sections sometimes and short sections at other times. Both views of the Word of God are important for understanding the complete message of God to us.
Genesis 49 contains the blessings Jacob pronounced upon his sons before his death. I want to repeat my belief that each one is based on character. They are not magic spells that cause reality to be created in some way. The blessings are the statements of the reality of the character of the child and how that character will effect his life. As parents we can see the character qualities of our children in a more objective way than they can see them for themselves. Therefore, offering a blessing is giving insights to them in how they can improve or how they can be blessed by God. Let me give you an example out of this passage. The blessing on Simeon and Levi was not very positive was it? (v.5-7) Jacob said they were violent and angry. However, later Levi was chosen to be the priestly tribe. Once, they were consecrated to God and followed Him, their weaknesses could be overcome, so that they could serve the Lord. If they had continued in their violent anger that could not have happened. God can mold us, if we put ourselves in his hands, but we need to see what we need to let Him do in our lives. That is where the observations of another loving, but objective person can be helpful.
Genesis 50 is kind of sad to me, because Joseph's brothers still don't get it, even after several years of being taken in by Joseph in Egypt. They still thought he would take revenge. They thought he was just waiting for Jacob to die, before he punished them. Why did they think this way? People project their own heart condition on others, and they think others will act the way they would act. This shows that the hearts of Joseph's brothers were still not changed. Look back at 49:26. Jacob said that Joseph was separate from his brothers. That means Jacob saw a difference between Joseph and his other sons. My prayer is that people can see that we are different because of Jesus and that they will run to Him and be changed, too.
Matthew 13 ends with a series of parables. In fact, it tells us that Jesus always used parables in communicating God's truths to the multitudes. This shows us the importance of stories. They can unlock great truths. Notice what each of these parables tells us about the kingdom of heaven. The kingdom goes from small to large. It has power to change society. It is a priceless possession worth all of our lives. The kingdom calls for separation from evil. The righteous will be separated from those who practice lawlessness. The final verses emphasize the effects of unbelief on the work of Christ. He could not work great miracles in the face of unbelief in his home town. God is looking for faith, and God responds to faith. He can do anything He desires, but He chooses to respond to faith, because He is leading us to have more faith.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Exodus 1-3 and Matthew 14:1-21.
Genesis 49 contains the blessings Jacob pronounced upon his sons before his death. I want to repeat my belief that each one is based on character. They are not magic spells that cause reality to be created in some way. The blessings are the statements of the reality of the character of the child and how that character will effect his life. As parents we can see the character qualities of our children in a more objective way than they can see them for themselves. Therefore, offering a blessing is giving insights to them in how they can improve or how they can be blessed by God. Let me give you an example out of this passage. The blessing on Simeon and Levi was not very positive was it? (v.5-7) Jacob said they were violent and angry. However, later Levi was chosen to be the priestly tribe. Once, they were consecrated to God and followed Him, their weaknesses could be overcome, so that they could serve the Lord. If they had continued in their violent anger that could not have happened. God can mold us, if we put ourselves in his hands, but we need to see what we need to let Him do in our lives. That is where the observations of another loving, but objective person can be helpful.
Genesis 50 is kind of sad to me, because Joseph's brothers still don't get it, even after several years of being taken in by Joseph in Egypt. They still thought he would take revenge. They thought he was just waiting for Jacob to die, before he punished them. Why did they think this way? People project their own heart condition on others, and they think others will act the way they would act. This shows that the hearts of Joseph's brothers were still not changed. Look back at 49:26. Jacob said that Joseph was separate from his brothers. That means Jacob saw a difference between Joseph and his other sons. My prayer is that people can see that we are different because of Jesus and that they will run to Him and be changed, too.
Matthew 13 ends with a series of parables. In fact, it tells us that Jesus always used parables in communicating God's truths to the multitudes. This shows us the importance of stories. They can unlock great truths. Notice what each of these parables tells us about the kingdom of heaven. The kingdom goes from small to large. It has power to change society. It is a priceless possession worth all of our lives. The kingdom calls for separation from evil. The righteous will be separated from those who practice lawlessness. The final verses emphasize the effects of unbelief on the work of Christ. He could not work great miracles in the face of unbelief in his home town. God is looking for faith, and God responds to faith. He can do anything He desires, but He chooses to respond to faith, because He is leading us to have more faith.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Exodus 1-3 and Matthew 14:1-21.