December 14 - James 1-5
The book of James is one of my personal favorites. Because I am so familiar with it, I had to ask God to help me slow down and see what He had for me today. I praise Him for doing just that. Isn't God so good? He can always use His Word to speak truths to us for today, even if we have read that passage of Scripture many times before. I hope you will ask God to do the same thing for you.
The truth that God showed me from the book of James this morning is that the Christian life is not easy, but we can persevere and be faithful with God's help. In other words, there are many Christians who want the easy way out of the Christian life, but James tells all of us that the easy way is not God's way. God teaches us by having us go through all of the difficulties of life while we are depending on Him. Can you see that theme in this short book?
Trials are hard, but they lead to maturity, if we trust Him. (1:3,4) If we endure, we will receive the crown of life. (1:12) Anger does not produce God's will, but we must be a doer of the word continually. (1:20,22) We must not show favoritism toward certain people, but love all of them. (2:1) Faith has to show itself by works coming after our faith. (2:17) All of these things are hard, but very important to growing in Christ to maturity.
We must allow God to help us tame our tongues, because no man can do it. (3:8) We must show our wisdom by good conduct. (3:13) We must strive to make peace, not produce conflict. (3:18) We must be humble and constantly resist Satan while submitting to God. (4:6-8) We must do good, not just have good intentions. (4:17) We must live in patient endurance, praying when we are sick and have other trials. (5:7,13-14) All of these things are difficult, but they make up the bulk of the Christian life. If we do not make the effort to be faithful, we won't have a victorious life. We can't just cruise through the Christian life in auto pilot.
I pray that James has inspired you today to fight the good fight of faith. Don't give in to Satan just because that is the easy way. Christ's way is hard, but it is the best way, and it is the only way that is fulfilling.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Peter 1-5.
The truth that God showed me from the book of James this morning is that the Christian life is not easy, but we can persevere and be faithful with God's help. In other words, there are many Christians who want the easy way out of the Christian life, but James tells all of us that the easy way is not God's way. God teaches us by having us go through all of the difficulties of life while we are depending on Him. Can you see that theme in this short book?
Trials are hard, but they lead to maturity, if we trust Him. (1:3,4) If we endure, we will receive the crown of life. (1:12) Anger does not produce God's will, but we must be a doer of the word continually. (1:20,22) We must not show favoritism toward certain people, but love all of them. (2:1) Faith has to show itself by works coming after our faith. (2:17) All of these things are hard, but very important to growing in Christ to maturity.
We must allow God to help us tame our tongues, because no man can do it. (3:8) We must show our wisdom by good conduct. (3:13) We must strive to make peace, not produce conflict. (3:18) We must be humble and constantly resist Satan while submitting to God. (4:6-8) We must do good, not just have good intentions. (4:17) We must live in patient endurance, praying when we are sick and have other trials. (5:7,13-14) All of these things are difficult, but they make up the bulk of the Christian life. If we do not make the effort to be faithful, we won't have a victorious life. We can't just cruise through the Christian life in auto pilot.
I pray that James has inspired you today to fight the good fight of faith. Don't give in to Satan just because that is the easy way. Christ's way is hard, but it is the best way, and it is the only way that is fulfilling.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Peter 1-5.