November 25 - I Corinthians 14-16
As we finish reading the book of I Corinthians, we encounter three very important subjects. Paul helps us to understand about spiritual gifts, the resurrection of the dead, and financial giving to the Lord's work. I am sure God can speak to everyone in a personal way through this passage. I urge you to listen closely.
Chapter 14 concludes the discussion about spiritual gifts which began in chapter 12. It focuses on the gifts prophecy and tongues. There is one clear message to the Corinthian believers and to us. Desire to prophesy instead of speaking in tongues, because prophecy builds up more people and that should be our goal. With tongues only the people who know the foreign language can understand the message, unless there is an interpreter present. Then, as the chapter ends, Paul makes an appeal for order in the worship service. There must have been a great deal of confusion in the worship services at Corinth. Many people must have been speaking at the same time. Paul commands for them to stop the confusion and speak one at a time, because God is not the author of confusion. (v.33) It may have seemed spectacular to speak in a foreign language that the person did not know, but it was not helpful. God is not looking for the spectacular as much as He is looking for the Christians to be built up, when it comes to a worship service. Remember, an unbeliever can't worship God. Therefore, tongues were meant for an evangelistic service in which the gospel was presented to a new group of people, not for a regular service of worship.
In chapter 15 Paul explains the vital nature of the resurrection of Christ and the resurrection of the dead. Because Christ was raised first, we can be sure that we will be raised, too. We can have the assurance that we will receive a new eternal body that will last forever in heaven. This is a great cause for rejoicing. There were some in Corinth who did not believe the resurrection of the dead. To them Christianity was just another philosophy for life, but Paul corrects this mistaken idea. Our hope comes from Christ, who was raised first. That is an undeniable fact, since He was seen by so many people. Now, we can know that we will be raised to be with Him, if we have trusted Him as our Savior and Lord. One day He will return, and if we are still alive, we will be changed to meet Him in the sky, along with all of those who are believers that died before that time. It will be a wonderful time of rejoicing together and reigning with Christ.
Finally, chapter 16 gives instructions for the Corinthian believers to receive an offering for the saints in Judea, because of the drought there. Many believers do not like to think about giving money, but it is an important part of serving the Lord and showing His control of our lives. If we can't obey Him with our money, there is something wrong with our relationship with Christ. We are to be joyful givers, because He gave so much for us. We are to give the tithe (10 percent) all the time and above the tithe as He directs us. Then, the Lord can bless us spiritually and financially. All of this is done out of a heart of love for the Lord and for others. (v.24)
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Corinthians 1-3.
Chapter 14 concludes the discussion about spiritual gifts which began in chapter 12. It focuses on the gifts prophecy and tongues. There is one clear message to the Corinthian believers and to us. Desire to prophesy instead of speaking in tongues, because prophecy builds up more people and that should be our goal. With tongues only the people who know the foreign language can understand the message, unless there is an interpreter present. Then, as the chapter ends, Paul makes an appeal for order in the worship service. There must have been a great deal of confusion in the worship services at Corinth. Many people must have been speaking at the same time. Paul commands for them to stop the confusion and speak one at a time, because God is not the author of confusion. (v.33) It may have seemed spectacular to speak in a foreign language that the person did not know, but it was not helpful. God is not looking for the spectacular as much as He is looking for the Christians to be built up, when it comes to a worship service. Remember, an unbeliever can't worship God. Therefore, tongues were meant for an evangelistic service in which the gospel was presented to a new group of people, not for a regular service of worship.
In chapter 15 Paul explains the vital nature of the resurrection of Christ and the resurrection of the dead. Because Christ was raised first, we can be sure that we will be raised, too. We can have the assurance that we will receive a new eternal body that will last forever in heaven. This is a great cause for rejoicing. There were some in Corinth who did not believe the resurrection of the dead. To them Christianity was just another philosophy for life, but Paul corrects this mistaken idea. Our hope comes from Christ, who was raised first. That is an undeniable fact, since He was seen by so many people. Now, we can know that we will be raised to be with Him, if we have trusted Him as our Savior and Lord. One day He will return, and if we are still alive, we will be changed to meet Him in the sky, along with all of those who are believers that died before that time. It will be a wonderful time of rejoicing together and reigning with Christ.
Finally, chapter 16 gives instructions for the Corinthian believers to receive an offering for the saints in Judea, because of the drought there. Many believers do not like to think about giving money, but it is an important part of serving the Lord and showing His control of our lives. If we can't obey Him with our money, there is something wrong with our relationship with Christ. We are to be joyful givers, because He gave so much for us. We are to give the tithe (10 percent) all the time and above the tithe as He directs us. Then, the Lord can bless us spiritually and financially. All of this is done out of a heart of love for the Lord and for others. (v.24)
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Corinthians 1-3.