October 6 - Malachi 1-4
The book of Malachi is an excellent way to end the Old Testament. It shows why God was so angry with His people. The question and answer format gives us insight into their attitudes and their actions, which were all contrary to God's will. It shows that they had come to a place of contempt for God. I know that is a harsh statement, but look at it closely, and see if you don't come to the same conclusion.
In Malachi 1:2 he tells us what the people were saying about God's love. They would ask, "In what way have you loved us?" Can you believe that an Israelite could ask such a question? Well, I have heard Christians say very similar things, because they are selfishly looking at their present circumstances with a hard heart that is far from God. That was the condition in Israel at Malachi's time. They could not even see how God had loved them and was loving them.
In Malachi 2:14 the priests want to know why God won't receive their offerings. It is obvious. The people were allowed to offer sick, lame, and blind animals with a sneer in their hearts. Why would God accept them? The priests were condoning divorce which God hates. They had wearied God by calling evil good. We are dangerously close to being in the same condition today. In fact, in many ways God's people do this same thing today.
In Malachi 3:8 the people want to know how they have robbed God? Surely they knew that they had not given their tithes and offerings, but they did not think it was a serious sin. To God it was robbery. That money belonged to Him, and they had taken it for themselves. However, He promised them that if they would give their tithes and offerings as they should, He would pour out a blessing that they could not even hold. I believe this holds true for us as Christians today. Why would God change this and expect less of us under the New Covenant? Just try Him, as Malachi 3;10 says. God will bless you, if you will give your tithes and offerings as you should. Remember, it is God's money, and he is just letting you manage it for Him as a steward.
Malachi 4 ends up with the admonition to be ready for the Day of Lord. The only way to be ready is to trust the Sun of Righteousness, Jesus. There is no middle ground. You are either a child of God through faith in Christ or you are not. Each of us must choose. What will your choice be? Be sure and make it now, because we don't know when the Day of the Lord will come, and it will be a terrible day for those who don't know Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Matthew 1-3.
In Malachi 1:2 he tells us what the people were saying about God's love. They would ask, "In what way have you loved us?" Can you believe that an Israelite could ask such a question? Well, I have heard Christians say very similar things, because they are selfishly looking at their present circumstances with a hard heart that is far from God. That was the condition in Israel at Malachi's time. They could not even see how God had loved them and was loving them.
In Malachi 2:14 the priests want to know why God won't receive their offerings. It is obvious. The people were allowed to offer sick, lame, and blind animals with a sneer in their hearts. Why would God accept them? The priests were condoning divorce which God hates. They had wearied God by calling evil good. We are dangerously close to being in the same condition today. In fact, in many ways God's people do this same thing today.
In Malachi 3:8 the people want to know how they have robbed God? Surely they knew that they had not given their tithes and offerings, but they did not think it was a serious sin. To God it was robbery. That money belonged to Him, and they had taken it for themselves. However, He promised them that if they would give their tithes and offerings as they should, He would pour out a blessing that they could not even hold. I believe this holds true for us as Christians today. Why would God change this and expect less of us under the New Covenant? Just try Him, as Malachi 3;10 says. God will bless you, if you will give your tithes and offerings as you should. Remember, it is God's money, and he is just letting you manage it for Him as a steward.
Malachi 4 ends up with the admonition to be ready for the Day of Lord. The only way to be ready is to trust the Sun of Righteousness, Jesus. There is no middle ground. You are either a child of God through faith in Christ or you are not. Each of us must choose. What will your choice be? Be sure and make it now, because we don't know when the Day of the Lord will come, and it will be a terrible day for those who don't know Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Matthew 1-3.