September 6 - Ezekiel 28-30
We begin today with a very famous and important passage that explains about Satan. Ezekiel begins by giving a prophecy against the "prince" of Tyre, and then, he ends up giving another word against the "king" of Tyre. I see that as a major distinction in this case. The earthly leader of Tyre is portrayed as a wealthy proud ruler, who proclaims himself to be a god. Ezekiel lets everyone know that God will bring him down, so that he will know that there is only One God. However, the ultimate example of pride and exalting one's self to be a god was Lucifer, exalting himself to be like God, Himself. Therefore, God gives Ezekiel insight into what happened in heaven when the "anointed cherub" who was full of wisdom and perfect in beauty decided he wanted to be God. The Only Lord had to kick him out of heaven, send him to the earth, and burn him to erase his beauty. However, in all of this Satan retains his pride and his desire to replace God. He is the one through whom sin entered the world, and he will forever be the ultimate example of God's punishment of sin.
The rest of this passage focuses on Egypt even though there is a short prophecy against Sidon, too. In both cases their rulers exalted themselves as gods, and both countries were harmful to Israel, so God brought destruction to them, too. God did allow Egypt to be restored, but not to her previous glory. Today, Egypt exists just as Ezekiel proclaimed so many years ago, as a lowly kingdom. They do not reign over anyone any more. This was God's judgment for their arrogant pride and idolatry.
What is the message for us today? Pride is the great destroyer of men and nations. Pride destroyed Lucifer. Pride destroyed Egypt. Pride will destroy you and me, because all sin has pride for its base. When we sin, we take our way. We think we know better than God. Therefore, pride goes before a fall. I urge you to humble yourself and remove the destructiveness of pride from your life. After all, Jesus is Lord! Allow Him to be the Lord of your life.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezekiel 31-33.
The rest of this passage focuses on Egypt even though there is a short prophecy against Sidon, too. In both cases their rulers exalted themselves as gods, and both countries were harmful to Israel, so God brought destruction to them, too. God did allow Egypt to be restored, but not to her previous glory. Today, Egypt exists just as Ezekiel proclaimed so many years ago, as a lowly kingdom. They do not reign over anyone any more. This was God's judgment for their arrogant pride and idolatry.
What is the message for us today? Pride is the great destroyer of men and nations. Pride destroyed Lucifer. Pride destroyed Egypt. Pride will destroy you and me, because all sin has pride for its base. When we sin, we take our way. We think we know better than God. Therefore, pride goes before a fall. I urge you to humble yourself and remove the destructiveness of pride from your life. After all, Jesus is Lord! Allow Him to be the Lord of your life.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezekiel 31-33.