September 14 - Daniel 4-6
Did you notice something unusual about this part of the book of Daniel? What did you notice about the unbelieving kings? They all gave testimony to the power and authority of Daniel's God, while they were still unbelievers. This should not be a surprise, but it does come as a surprise to people who don't think God can work in the hearts of unbelievers to reveal Himself and His truth to them. This passage clearly shows that God can and does show Himself mighty to those who don't believe in Him, and they understand what He is saying to them.
Look for the names of God or titles for God used by these kings. They refer to Him as the "Most High God", the "Holy God", the "King of Heaven", and even the "Living God." The names alone show what Daniel was telling them, and what they were understanding about Daniel's God. How do we represent God to unbelievers? Do we try to water down what we say about God, so they will believe? I don't think we should take that approach. We are to share the truth of God and let the Spirit reveal Him to their hearts.
God will show unbelievers that pride is not right as He did Nebuchadnezzar and Belshazzar. In fact, God can be very creative can't He? He can cause a man to eat grass like a cow, and He can cause a hand without an arm to write on a wall. I think He got His point across, don't you? He can send an angel to protect His prophet from lions and impress a king that way, too. God is not limited. Let's not limit Him ourselves.
Then, there is faithful Daniel. In spite of the change in kingdoms from the Babylonians to the Medes and the Persians, he kept his position of honor because of his blameless life and God's favor. We must not make excuses for why we can't do God's will. There is no power on earth or with Satan that can stop God from moving when He decides to move. We must be faithful to Him and be obedient like Daniel, so we can be a part of what God does in this world.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Daniel 7-9.
Look for the names of God or titles for God used by these kings. They refer to Him as the "Most High God", the "Holy God", the "King of Heaven", and even the "Living God." The names alone show what Daniel was telling them, and what they were understanding about Daniel's God. How do we represent God to unbelievers? Do we try to water down what we say about God, so they will believe? I don't think we should take that approach. We are to share the truth of God and let the Spirit reveal Him to their hearts.
God will show unbelievers that pride is not right as He did Nebuchadnezzar and Belshazzar. In fact, God can be very creative can't He? He can cause a man to eat grass like a cow, and He can cause a hand without an arm to write on a wall. I think He got His point across, don't you? He can send an angel to protect His prophet from lions and impress a king that way, too. God is not limited. Let's not limit Him ourselves.
Then, there is faithful Daniel. In spite of the change in kingdoms from the Babylonians to the Medes and the Persians, he kept his position of honor because of his blameless life and God's favor. We must not make excuses for why we can't do God's will. There is no power on earth or with Satan that can stop God from moving when He decides to move. We must be faithful to Him and be obedient like Daniel, so we can be a part of what God does in this world.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Daniel 7-9.