August 16 - Jeremiah 28-30
One of the things that God hates is a false prophet, because he deceives the people by causing them to believe a lie. This is the lesson of the story of Hananiah, the false prophet, in chapter 28. God told him that he would die, because he taught rebellion against the Lord, and he died the same year. Then, in chapter 29 we read about more false prophets. Ahab and Zedekiah were killed by Nebuchadnezzar for being false prophets, and Jeremiah even gave a specific prophecy that this would happen before the eyes of the people. (29:21) Then, Shemaiah is singled out for punishment, also, because he caused people to trust in a lie. We can be sure that God holds prophets to a high standard. That standard is 100% accuracy. (28:9) He also holds teachers to a high standard, because God is Truth, and He wants all of His teachers and prophets to reflect His truth, not error.
Chapter 29 contains two famous verses. These verses are promises of God to the Israelites, but they reflect the character of God and what He desires for His people all the time. God has thoughts of peace for His people, and not for evil. He wants them to have a future and a hope. (29:11) Even in the 70 year exile, He wanted them to know that His heart was set on restoring them to the land and to His will. Then, in verse 13 He reminds us that we will find Him when we seek Him with our whole hearts. These are precious promises for God's children, and we can trust them, because they show us the heart of God for His children. I hope you can rest in the Lord and trust Him today.
Chapter 30 speaks of Jeremiah writing down the Word of God that he had spoken. (30:1) Then, it speaks of returning to the land, and the ultimate return to the land in the time of Jacob's trouble. (30:7) I think this is speaking about the time of the Tribulation and then, the Millennium when Christ will reign on the earth for 1,000 years. (30:9) This passage is a good illustration of a prophecy with a double fulfillment. Israel was restored to the land after the exile. However, the ultimate restoration to the land has come since 1948, and it will not be completed until the Tribulation, when God will save the Jews and protect them in a super-natural way. (30:22) This will happen during the Tribulation. It will be a time of great trouble for the Jews, but they will turn to Jesus and be saved from their sins. Then, God will save them from the Anti-Christ, too. I know this passage does not give all of those details, but I believe it refers to that time, and if you will study the Bible, you will see that, too.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Jeremiah 31 and 32.
Chapter 29 contains two famous verses. These verses are promises of God to the Israelites, but they reflect the character of God and what He desires for His people all the time. God has thoughts of peace for His people, and not for evil. He wants them to have a future and a hope. (29:11) Even in the 70 year exile, He wanted them to know that His heart was set on restoring them to the land and to His will. Then, in verse 13 He reminds us that we will find Him when we seek Him with our whole hearts. These are precious promises for God's children, and we can trust them, because they show us the heart of God for His children. I hope you can rest in the Lord and trust Him today.
Chapter 30 speaks of Jeremiah writing down the Word of God that he had spoken. (30:1) Then, it speaks of returning to the land, and the ultimate return to the land in the time of Jacob's trouble. (30:7) I think this is speaking about the time of the Tribulation and then, the Millennium when Christ will reign on the earth for 1,000 years. (30:9) This passage is a good illustration of a prophecy with a double fulfillment. Israel was restored to the land after the exile. However, the ultimate restoration to the land has come since 1948, and it will not be completed until the Tribulation, when God will save the Jews and protect them in a super-natural way. (30:22) This will happen during the Tribulation. It will be a time of great trouble for the Jews, but they will turn to Jesus and be saved from their sins. Then, God will save them from the Anti-Christ, too. I know this passage does not give all of those details, but I believe it refers to that time, and if you will study the Bible, you will see that, too.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Jeremiah 31 and 32.