July 31 - Isaiah 47-49
The theme of this passage is redemption. Our God is a Redeemer. Here, the Bible tells us about His plans to redeem Israel after the Exile and to restore them back to Jerusalem and the Promised Land. The rest of the Bible tells us that redemption is a part of God's character. He is not a destroyer, but a rebuilder. He is not one to give up, but He is one to start over. Have you experienced God as a redeemer in your life? I hope you have experienced His redemption in securing your eternal salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. I pray that you have also come to see God as redeemer in the experiences of your life. We all fail at times, and we need to know His redemptive power in our lives.
What is redemption? It means to "buy back" or to "buy again." It refers to something that was once owned, but then it was lost. Finally, there is the chance to purchase it again, so that it can be a possession once again. It refers to something or to someone who was thought to be finished or thrown away being brought back to usefulness. This is God's way of working toward people. He wants to get us out of the trash and make us usable again. He wants to buy us back from idols and addictions, so we can become a whole person again. This is what God wanted for Israel, and that is what God wants for individuals.
In the case of Israel God told everyone on advance that He was going to punish His people for their sins, so that no one could give credit to an idol or a king. (48:4,5) Then, He reminded them that He was just punishing them for a period of time and not forever, so He would allow them to return. He would defeat Babylon and have them sent back by Cyrus. This was God's redemption. Did all the Jews receive it? No. Some stayed in Babylon. They rejected God's redemption. In other words, God provides the redemption, but we must receive it for it to become effective in our lives. I hope you will reach out to the Redeemer and allow Him to work the miracle of redemption in your heart, in your family, and in your relationships. He can if you will.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 50-52.
What is redemption? It means to "buy back" or to "buy again." It refers to something that was once owned, but then it was lost. Finally, there is the chance to purchase it again, so that it can be a possession once again. It refers to something or to someone who was thought to be finished or thrown away being brought back to usefulness. This is God's way of working toward people. He wants to get us out of the trash and make us usable again. He wants to buy us back from idols and addictions, so we can become a whole person again. This is what God wanted for Israel, and that is what God wants for individuals.
In the case of Israel God told everyone on advance that He was going to punish His people for their sins, so that no one could give credit to an idol or a king. (48:4,5) Then, He reminded them that He was just punishing them for a period of time and not forever, so He would allow them to return. He would defeat Babylon and have them sent back by Cyrus. This was God's redemption. Did all the Jews receive it? No. Some stayed in Babylon. They rejected God's redemption. In other words, God provides the redemption, but we must receive it for it to become effective in our lives. I hope you will reach out to the Redeemer and allow Him to work the miracle of redemption in your heart, in your family, and in your relationships. He can if you will.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 50-52.