July 22 - Isaiah 17-20

This section of Isaiah contains several interesting insights as we continue to read these prophecies concerning the countries around Judah. Chapter 17 is about Syria and Israel, the northern kingdom of God's people. The point of the prophecy seems to be that God brings a lean condition on these countries to draw the people to Himself. In fact, that is the point in chapter 18 as it speaks about Ethiopia, too. God's punishment is usually not for destruction, but for redemption. Isaiah 17:7 says, "In that day a man will look to His Maker. And His eyes will have respect for the Holy One of Israel." Many times it takes coming to the end of the rope, before a person will look up and cry out to God in a respectful way. God knows this, and He sends punishment with that reaction in mind. However, each of us still has the decision to make. Will we turn to God, or will we continue to try to do it ourselves? God wants us to turn to Him, so He can bless us.

What does it take for a country to be overthrown? Well, it does not always take an army. Look at Isaiah 19:14, which is talking about Egypt. It says, "The Lord mingled a perverse spirit in her midst." This perverse spirit was accepted by the people because of the sinful nature and the flesh. Then, they began to err in their work, and they became as a drunken man who staggers in his vomit. What a picture of internal destruction. Could this be God's way of bringing down the USA, as we continue to forsake Him and His Word? It seems to me that our society is suffering from a perverse spirit, and I can see the effects of it all around me. I pray that we will turn back to the Lord.

Finally, Isaiah 20:2 is pretty extreme isn't it? What would you do if God called you to do something extreme to communicate His message to others? I hope you would obey Him.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 21-24.

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