April 9 - I Chronicles 13-17
This passages shows several reasons why God blessed David so much. David was not a perfect person. In fact, his sins were worse than most. However, God was always looking at his heart, and God liked what He saw most of the time. I wonder what God thinks when He looks at my heart? I hope He sees some of the same qualities David had.
With all of the things David could have been doing as the king of Israel, he chose to make the worship of God a priority. He consulted the leaders and the people, and they all agreed to bring the Ark of the Covenant up to Jerusalem. In his desire to honor God David forgot to carry the Ark in the right way and Uzza died, but I believe God was still impressed with David's heart for worship and for making God the priority in his life and in the life of the people. It is terrible that Uzza died, but if God had been very angry, I think there would have been even more punishment. The main thing is to see that David was trying to honor the Lord. Many times leaders make mistakes, but why was the mistake made? Was it made in an effort to honor God? If so, that is much better than a mistake made out of selfishness or the flesh? God wants us to look at the heart, too.
David continued to put the Lord first by consulting Him and obeying Him when he had to go to war with the Philistines. God did not lead in the same way both times, so it took a close walk with the Lord to obey Him. Then, David chose to bring the Ark to Jerusalem the right way. He did not blame his mistake on anyone else. He just took time to realize what he had done wrong, and he corrected it. Then, he went forward with the Lord's blessing. One of the best qualities I see in David was his willingness to admit a mistake and correct it. Many people will not admit when they are wrong, so they can't move forward with the Lord.
David's psalm of worship for the Lord shows his heart of love for the Lord and his faith in the Lord so well. Look at every part of this song. It speaks of seeking the Lord, thanking the Lord, trusting the Lord only, and telling others about the Lord. David really did know the Lord in a personal way. There is no talk of idolatry in his life. However, it is in his humility that we see perhaps his greatest quality that allowed him to be used by God. He never forgot that God had brought him from being a shepherd to being a king. He was always humbled by the blessings of God. He never let his position go to his head. David was overwhelmed that God would establish his family on the throne of Israel forever. He realized that was much better than building a Temple. He probably did not realize God was talking about sending the Messiah through his family. That would have thrilled David the most. David was sincerely honored to be used by God. If we want to be used by God, we must put away pride and be humble before Him all of our days.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Chronicles 18-21.
With all of the things David could have been doing as the king of Israel, he chose to make the worship of God a priority. He consulted the leaders and the people, and they all agreed to bring the Ark of the Covenant up to Jerusalem. In his desire to honor God David forgot to carry the Ark in the right way and Uzza died, but I believe God was still impressed with David's heart for worship and for making God the priority in his life and in the life of the people. It is terrible that Uzza died, but if God had been very angry, I think there would have been even more punishment. The main thing is to see that David was trying to honor the Lord. Many times leaders make mistakes, but why was the mistake made? Was it made in an effort to honor God? If so, that is much better than a mistake made out of selfishness or the flesh? God wants us to look at the heart, too.
David continued to put the Lord first by consulting Him and obeying Him when he had to go to war with the Philistines. God did not lead in the same way both times, so it took a close walk with the Lord to obey Him. Then, David chose to bring the Ark to Jerusalem the right way. He did not blame his mistake on anyone else. He just took time to realize what he had done wrong, and he corrected it. Then, he went forward with the Lord's blessing. One of the best qualities I see in David was his willingness to admit a mistake and correct it. Many people will not admit when they are wrong, so they can't move forward with the Lord.
David's psalm of worship for the Lord shows his heart of love for the Lord and his faith in the Lord so well. Look at every part of this song. It speaks of seeking the Lord, thanking the Lord, trusting the Lord only, and telling others about the Lord. David really did know the Lord in a personal way. There is no talk of idolatry in his life. However, it is in his humility that we see perhaps his greatest quality that allowed him to be used by God. He never forgot that God had brought him from being a shepherd to being a king. He was always humbled by the blessings of God. He never let his position go to his head. David was overwhelmed that God would establish his family on the throne of Israel forever. He realized that was much better than building a Temple. He probably did not realize God was talking about sending the Messiah through his family. That would have thrilled David the most. David was sincerely honored to be used by God. If we want to be used by God, we must put away pride and be humble before Him all of our days.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Chronicles 18-21.