February 5 - Numbers 22-24
This passage is a great example of how God's sovereignty works with man's free will. The king of Moab, Balak, is afraid of the Israelites as they approach his country. He does not think he can defeat them in battle unless he has some spiritual help, so he calls for a prophet of Moab, Balaam, to come and place a curse on God's people. The Moabites are related to Israel, because they were the descendants of Lot in his incestuous relationship with his daughter after the fall of Sodom. They had probably heard of the one true God, but they did not worship Him alone. They probably had a mixture of different spiritual beliefs and practices. Therefore, the king calls Balaam to place a spell on the Israelites, so he can defeat them.
From the beginning Balaam says that he knows that he can only speak the words given by God. He knew he had no power to put a curse on them himself. In fact, the first time he won't even go to the king, because God told him not to go. Later, when the king enticed him by promising to honor him, he did receive God's permission to go, but to only speak God's word, not his own. That is when the problems started. Evidently, Balaam started thinking about what he could get from the king if he would curse Israel. Therefore, God had to send an angel to stand against him. It is a very humorous story, in which a donkey speaks and Balaam's eyes are opened to the things of the Lord. In the end Balaam does not curse God's people but he pronounces three blessings instead.
From this story we learn several things. God is able to speak through a person who is not a believer, if that is what God wants to do. God is able to protect His people and to work out His plan for them. Back in Genesis 12:3 God had promised Abraham to bless his descendants and to curse those who cursed them. God was working out His will here in a very unique way. He even sent an angel and made a donkey talk, so His will would be known. He made it clear to Balaam that He would have killed him instead of letting him curse the Israelites. However, did you notice that he never did have to force Balaam to do His will? He spoke to him through a donkey, and He opened His eyes to spiritual things. Then, Balaam decided to do it God's way. This is how God works in the lives of people to bring about His will. He is wise enough and strong enough to cause His will to be done without forcing people to go against their own will. If He does need to force someone, He can and will do that. However, most of the time He doesn't need to do it that way.
We can learn a lot from Balaam. We need to follow God's word and not our own. We need to obey Him and not be swayed by the promise of money or honor. We need to see that no sorcery can stand against God. He is so much more powerful than Satan. We must listen to God and willingly do His will so that He does not have to send an angel or make a donkey talk to keep us in line. God wants to bless His people. He will not curse them unless they do something that warrants a curse. The amazing thing is that we learn all of these things from a person who was not even one of God's prophets. I have found that to be true in my life, too. I have heard many non-believers say profound things, which showed me that God had opened their eyes and shown them His will even though they had not trusted Him to take away their sins at that point. God is so loving and kind. He is constantly calling us to Himself. He is constantly trying to show us His will, if we will just listen to Him. What will it take for you to listen to Him today?
From the beginning Balaam says that he knows that he can only speak the words given by God. He knew he had no power to put a curse on them himself. In fact, the first time he won't even go to the king, because God told him not to go. Later, when the king enticed him by promising to honor him, he did receive God's permission to go, but to only speak God's word, not his own. That is when the problems started. Evidently, Balaam started thinking about what he could get from the king if he would curse Israel. Therefore, God had to send an angel to stand against him. It is a very humorous story, in which a donkey speaks and Balaam's eyes are opened to the things of the Lord. In the end Balaam does not curse God's people but he pronounces three blessings instead.
From this story we learn several things. God is able to speak through a person who is not a believer, if that is what God wants to do. God is able to protect His people and to work out His plan for them. Back in Genesis 12:3 God had promised Abraham to bless his descendants and to curse those who cursed them. God was working out His will here in a very unique way. He even sent an angel and made a donkey talk, so His will would be known. He made it clear to Balaam that He would have killed him instead of letting him curse the Israelites. However, did you notice that he never did have to force Balaam to do His will? He spoke to him through a donkey, and He opened His eyes to spiritual things. Then, Balaam decided to do it God's way. This is how God works in the lives of people to bring about His will. He is wise enough and strong enough to cause His will to be done without forcing people to go against their own will. If He does need to force someone, He can and will do that. However, most of the time He doesn't need to do it that way.
We can learn a lot from Balaam. We need to follow God's word and not our own. We need to obey Him and not be swayed by the promise of money or honor. We need to see that no sorcery can stand against God. He is so much more powerful than Satan. We must listen to God and willingly do His will so that He does not have to send an angel or make a donkey talk to keep us in line. God wants to bless His people. He will not curse them unless they do something that warrants a curse. The amazing thing is that we learn all of these things from a person who was not even one of God's prophets. I have found that to be true in my life, too. I have heard many non-believers say profound things, which showed me that God had opened their eyes and shown them His will even though they had not trusted Him to take away their sins at that point. God is so loving and kind. He is constantly calling us to Himself. He is constantly trying to show us His will, if we will just listen to Him. What will it take for you to listen to Him today?
Tomorrow, I intend to read Numbers 25-27.