God Delights in Mercy

Most people have a false view of God. Some people believe that He is an angry God who is just waiting to pour out his anger on every wrong thing that people do. Others believe that He is so loving that He could never punish anyone, so He lets sins go without any response. Both of these views are very incorrect.

Micah understood God, and he marveled at the Lord. (Micah 7:18) The prophet asked a question, "Who is a God like You, who pardons wrongdoing and passes over a rebellious act of the remnant of His possession?"  He is the God who does not retain His anger forever, because He delights in mercy. That is a great description of the nature of our God.

God is always willing to pardon our wrongdoing when we turn to Him in repentance and faith. He will even pass over one of a rebellious act once we get saved. He will warn us about it, but He will not be quick to punish us, because of His love. He so desires to have a close relationship with us. That is His desire for each of us.

Therefore, God doesn't stay angry at His children forever after we have sinned against Him. Yes, He will punish us, but often He doesn't punish us as much as we deserve to be punished. That is the definition of mercy, and our God delights in mercy. He  wants to show us His love, so we will turn from our sins and turn to Him, knowing that His desire to have a close, personal relationship with us, not destroy us in His anger.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Nahum 1-3.

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