Salvation for the Least Likely

 I am sure we have all met people who were very far from the Lord. We saw their way of living, and we heard what they said and believed. We may have thought to ourselves that they would never come to salvation. Even with all of that, hopefully we didn't give up on them. God can and will save anyone no matter what they have done.

The Ninevites were the perfect example of this truth. They were some of the most violent and evil people ever known at that time. God sent Jonah to proclaim His judgment upon them. Then, things changed. (Jonah 3:5) "Then the people of Nineveh believed in God; and they called a fast and put on sackcloth, from the greatest to the least of them." What a glorious awakening for such a depraved people!

People have to be told the truth about their sin and the consequences of their actions. They have to realize they need to be saved before they can turn away from their sins and put their trust in God. That is what we are hear to show people and to share with them. Then, they come to realize they must turn to the Lord in humble faith. Everyone has the ability to do that.

Repentance and faith go together, just like we see with the Ninevites. We decide to believe on the Lord, put our trust in Him, because He is the only one who can save us from our sins. At the same time we turn from our sins and forsake them, even in fasting and mourning. Then, God sees our faith and our humility before Him, and He reaches down to forgive our sins as a free gift. That is a powerful miracle, and it can change the most wayward soul.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Micah 1-3.

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