When God Speaks

 I have been to the zoo a few times in my life. It is interesting to see all of the different animals and to hear the sounds they make. Of course, the lion's roar arrests our attention. When we hear that sound our heads turn, and we are very aware of the presence of the king of the beasts. Similarly, when God speaks, He gets our attention like no other.

The prophet Amos made this point very well. (Amos 3:8) "A lion roared. Who will not fear? The Lord God has spoken. Who can do anything but prophesy?" That is a powerful analogy with an important truth for all of us. When was the last time you heard the Lord speak? What did you do next?

We often misunderstand what it means to prophesy. Many people think that it just means to tell the future, because we associate the word "prophecy" with God telling us things that haven't happened yet. That is not really what it means. It means to "speak forth" something God has told us. Therefore, when God speaks, and we share it with others, we are prophesying.

This should be a common occurrence in the life of a believer. (John 10:27) As Christians, we hear the voice of the Lord speaking to us. When He speaks, it is not just for us. It is powerful, like the roar of a lion, so we need to speak it forth to other people who need to hear what God has said to us. That is when we are used by the Lord God to pass on His words to us for the benefit of those around us.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Amos 4-7.

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