God's Love Letter to Us

 I remember how I felt when I would receive a letter from Chris when I was away in college at Baylor. Often, I would take a detour between classes to go to my mailbox and check for a letter at mail time. When I saw it, I opened it quickly, reading it as I walked to the next class and cherishing it for a long time. That is how we should regard the Word of God, His letter to us.

The Lord's people were not doing that in the days of Hosea. It hurt God very much. (Hosea 10:12) He noticed that though He wrote for them ten thousand precepts of His law, they were regarded as a strange thing. Just think of their ingratitude and the hardness of their hearts. Then, let's consider the quality of our regard for the Word of God.

The God of the universe loves us all so much that He inspired men to write down His precepts for us so we can see His love and know the way we should live. His words should be a treasure to each of us. We should read them, study them, memorize them, and meditate upon them and the God who wrote His love letter to us.

Instead, many people think that the Bible is a strange book. They laugh at it like a fairytale. They try to disregard it, so they can go their own way, and do whatever they desire to do. We need to do what we can to pray for these people in our lives and to show them the reality of God's Word and the genuine love He has for us that is demonstrated in His Word.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Hosea 9-11.

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