Healed from Apostacy

 There are many people who claim to be Christians who have departed from the clear teachings of the Bible. When this happens, it is called "apostacy." This is a serious sin because those people will usually try to lead others to accept their false beliefs. God can't bless people who are living in apostacy, or He would be blessing their destructive beliefs and behavior.

The people of God were committing apostacy in Hosea's time. However, he foretold a time when this would come to an end. (Hosea 14:4) God told them that He would heal their apostacy and love them freely again, because His anger would turn away from them. This should be our prayer for every Christian we know who is caught up in false beliefs.

God wants to bless all of His children once we come to know Jesus as our Lord and Savior. He wants us to grow in Christ by studying His Word and praying, so we believe correctly and live out our faith well. If we find that we are believing something that is not according to God's Word, we need to repent of that sin and turn our hearts and minds back to the Lord.

Then, God will take away the effects of the false beliefs, and He will love us freely again. He will bless us as we lead others to Him in the right way. His anger will be turned away from us so we can know the fullness of His blessings on us. This is why we need to be so careful not to follow just anyone we hear on the TV, radio, or Internet, but we must check everything out by the Bible.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Joel 1-3. 

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