A Heart for the Work

Motivation is a huge factor in our lives. Sometimes we are very motivated to accomplish something, while at other times, we struggle to even get started on a task. What is the difference? I believe it has to do with our heart. If we have a heart for the work, we will be motivated to do it, no matter what happens. That is what happened in Jerusalem when Nehemiah called the people together to rebuild the wall and the gates of the city. It was hard work, and many of them did not normally build walls. However, it did not take long before the entire wall was joined together and it was up to half of its intended height. This happened so well, because the people had a heart for the work. (Nehemiah 4:6) Let's stop to consider this, so we can benefit from this truth.

What is in your heart? We all need to search within us, as the Bible says, to know our heart. If we find ourselves doing the wrong things and not doing the right things, the problem is in our heart. When we are fully trusting in the Lord and walking with Him, we are motivated out of love for Him to do whatever His Word says for us to do. It is at that moment that we have the motivation to change our life and do His will, instead of doing our own will. Yes, it is not automatic. It takes time and hard work, like the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem. However, if we keep at it, day after day, we see progress, and our progress motivates us. We see the results of God working in and through our efforts. That encourages us. Soon the entire project is accomplished, and we look back. We realize that it seemed impossible when we started, but God is able. When we get our heart right, and we work like it depends on us, and we trust Him like it all depends on Him, we can do whatever He has for us to do. Therefore, I ask us all again, "What is in our heart?" We can tell by looking at the fruit of our lives. Let's make sure we have a heart for the work of the Lord. We are the only ones who can decide that.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Nehemiah 5-7.

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