Jesus: Bearing the Consequences of Our Depravity

The people of Israel had to bear the consequences of their depravity and detestable actions, because there were no sacrifices great enough to pay for their sins and set them free. (Ezekiel 16:58) This reality caused them to have to suffer terrible atrocities at the hands of their enemies, who came to punish them for their sins and to destroy the city of Jerusalem. Ezekiel paints this sad picture for all of us to consider, since we are all depraved and we all do detestable actions. However, the outcome in our lives can be totally different from the punishment they received in the Old Covenant. Now, we have the perfect sacrifice to bear the consequences of our depravity and detestable actions. His name is Jesus.

I pray that we all realize the great truth and grace of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are all sinners. (Romans 3:23) The payment for our sins is death. (Romans 6:23a) Death is what we deserve because we have followed our sinful nature, and we have done things our own way. The Good News is that God loved us so much that He came to this earth as a God/Man, Jesus Christ. Jesus took our consequences upon Himself. He died for us while we were still sinners. (Romans 5:8) Now, anyone who confesses Jesus as Lord, believing He died and rose again for our sins, is saved. (Romans 10:9,10) Jesus took what we deserved and died in our place that we might have His righteous credited to us.(II Corinthians 5:21) Therefore, God can forgive us and still be righteous. The consequences of our depravity have been paid, so we can be restored, as Israel was restored after their punishment. They were taken out on Jesus, who bore our shame and did it out of love. (John 3:16) Now, He offers the gift of salvation to all who believe in Him. (Romans 6:23; Ephesians 2:8,9) I pray that all of us have trusted Christ and His sacrificial death for us, so we do not have to receive the consequences of our depravity by dying and being separated from God forever.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezekiel 17-19.

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