The Powerful Word of God

I wonder how often we use the word of God? It is my prayer that we read it, study it, and meditate upon it. Then, once we have it in our mind and hidden in our heart, we should allow the Spirit to prompt us to use it for the glory of God. After all, God always honors His Word, the Bible. If we are to accomplish God's will to help others know Jesus and to grow in the Lord to be mature disciples, we have to understand the power of the Word and use it. Isaiah saw that power and explained it for us. (Isaiah 55:11) Let's see just what the Lord showed him.

God spoke His Word for a reason. He inspired the Bible for a purpose. When His Word goes out, it will not return empty. It will never fail to make the impression or teach the lesson for which it was spoken. It will always accomplish what pleases God. We can't do that with our own words, but we can do this when we share the words of God with others. In fact, God will prosper His Word in what He sends it to do. Therefore, let's use His Word to witness and see the souls of men and women, boys and girls transformed. Let's use His Word to comfort the afflicted and to teach truth to those who do not understand. We can always be assured as we use God's Word that we are using the most powerful tool we can use to do His will. This is especially true as we share it in the power of the Holy Spirit, while we have a pure heart before the Lord.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 57-59.

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