God's Design for Every Nation

God ordained government. God ordains the rulers of the nations. The nations are here by God's design. God desires to direct the nations and to see the rulers , as well as, the people seek Him. If any nation will seek the Lord, He will be responsive to their desires and bless them. However,most nations rebel against God. They do not seek Him or desire to follow Him. If that is their choice, they receive rebuke instead of blessing. We need to make up our minds as a nation of people that we will seek the Lord, so we can be blessed. Isaiah explained how to do this. (Isaiah 58:2) Let's see what God told Isaiah, and let's pray that our nation would do these things.

God wants every nation to seek Him "day after day." We should not be so concerned about making new laws. Our leaders should seek the Lord each day and delight to know His ways. Then, when they know His ways they should do what is right, and they should not abandon the justice of God. After all, God is the Judge, and His justice is always best. We and our leaders should ask God for righteous judgments that help the poor and oppressed while not harming everyone else. As we do these things as we should, we should show God our delight in His nearness. We should not shun God or lock Him out of our nation. We should seek Him and delight in the nearness of God all of the time. Just think how much different our country would be, if the hearts of our leaders and our people were set on all of these things instead of the fighting that is going on. Please, pray for a revival, so our nation will truly seek the Lord and be blessed.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 60-62.

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