Breaking God's Heart

God has a huge heart. His heart can be filled with joy, and His heart can be so filled with sadness that He weeps bitterly. The Bible has much to say about what brings God joy and what grieves His heart. However, I believe there is one thing that rises above the rest, when it comes to breaking God's heart. The prophet Jeremiah told the people just what it was. (Jeremiah 13:17) I believe we all need to hear what God said to His people, because it still applies to us today, as believers.

God wept bitterly and shed abundant tears when His people would not listen to Him because of their pride. Pride always causes us to think we know what to do, and that we do not need to listen to God or anyone else. Pride leads us down the path of destruction, and that breaks the heart of God. He knows that He has to punish us when we will not listen to Him. In Israel's case they were taken captive. God knew the cruelty they would have to endure, but like a good Father, He knew that He had to thoroughly punish His flock.

I wonder what we do out of pride today that causes God to weep? If we would just forsake our pride and listen to God, we could receive His favor and keep from hurting God so much. I pray that we will all learn this lesson and forsake pride every day, so we can see God's smile.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Jeremiah 14-16.

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