Remembering God's Revelation to Us

It was 13 long years until Joseph was appointed the governor over all of the land of Egypt and put in charge of storing up the grain and selling the grain. He went through so much in those years, but he remained faithful to the Lord. Then, 10 of his brothers showed up to buy grain to take back to Canaan. They did not recognize him, but he knew them. It was when they bowed down to him that Joseph remembered how God had revealed this would happen in a dream many years before that. (Genesis 42:6,9) I would imagine it warmed his heart to finally see the fulfillment and understanding of that dream. He also looked forward to what God was going to do in the future.

Joseph had heard from the Lord before his brothers sold him into slavery. He was sustained by the things God had taught him as a child and a teenager. I would imagine it was difficult to hold on to those things in times of persecution and being forgotten in prison. What did God teach you as a child and teen? It is important for us to hold onto our relationship with the Lord started when we were young, even if things get very desperate like they did for Joseph. Then, at the right time, God will remind us of things He has revealed to us, and we will marvel at His ability to cause all things to work together for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28) As we keep trusting Him, we will see many of these things over the years. Also, God will clearly show us by those things how we should continue to follow Him and do His will.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 44-46.

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