For Your Own Good

I do not think that people set out to hurt themselves. They want to do things that will help them and give them a better life. However, they end up doing things which are not for their own good, because they do not know what to do, or they are led astray by their own mind or emotions. God solved that when He gave us His Word. If we will do what His Word requires, we will see that it is all for our good.(Deuteronomy 10:12,13) His commands are not a burden. They are given for our good.

God has requirements. After all, He is Lord of all. We are not in charge. We have requirements to vote, to drive a car, to own a home, to pass a class in school. Why would there not be requirements to relate to God? We must not rebel against His requirements, but embrace them, because they are for our good. Don't have a hard heart like Israel had. Stop and think about it. You have an owners manual for every appliance and complicated device you own. If you do not follow it, things do do not work well. The Bible is our owner's manual given to us by our Owner, God. If we will do what He says, we will see the benefits.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Deuteronomy 12-14.

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