Meeting God's Standard

Hezekiah met God's standard for a life that God would choose to prosper. He did all that he did with all his heart.(II Chronicles 31:21) It is pretty simple really, and it is in line with trusting God. Why would God accept our lives for trusting Him 50% or 75%? He gave His all for us, and He calls for us to give our all to Him. Trust is trust. We either trust Him as Lord, or we don't. When we give our trust to Him as our Lord, we should do everything He asks with all of our hearts. Hezekiah was involved in the service of the house of God. He was involved in keeping God's laws and commandments. His life was a process of seeking God. He did all of these things with all of his heart, so God blessed him. It isn't very different from that today, at all, if you think about it. Once we trust Christ as Lord, we become involved in the service of the Lord through the church. The church is Christ's body. Why would we not serve in His body on earth? We are still keeping the covenant to be His children by grace through faith in Him, so part of what we do is keeping His laws and commandments. If we don't obey the laws and commandments, is He really Lord of our lives? Finally, we seek the Lord and His will by reading the Word, praying, and spending time with Him. That is a description of the Christian's walk or daily life. We are to do all of these with all our hearts, just like Hezekiah. There are many Scriptures which say this in the Old Testament and in the New Testament. Therefore, as I wrote the other night about prospering, it is a matter of obedience. If we are not trusting and obeying God, we will not prosper, but if we are, He will prosper us in His way, which is the best way. It is that simple. Tomorrow, I intend to read II Chronicles 34-36.

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