A W Tozer Rules for Self Discovery

I was reading the Georgia Baptist Convention newspaper, The Christian Index, yesterday, and the editor Gerald Harris had an excellent article on A W Tozer's "Rules of Self Discovery." Somehow, I had not read it before, and I found it very meaningful for making an assessment of our spiritual condition at any given time in our lives. I hope it is helpful for you, as well.

I will not elaborate on each point, but there are seven areas to assess in your life. Each one aids in discovering the condition of your heart. Think about each one and consider what God's Word says. Also, be sensitive to God's character and reflect on your own character to see if it is conforming to Christ's character, as it should.
Here are the seven areas:
A.W. Tozer’s Rules of Self-Discovery
The late A.W. Tozer suggested seven areas that reveal our values and our true commitments:
1.What we want most
2.What we think about most.
3.How we use our money.
4.What we do with your leisure time.
5.The company we enjoy.
6.Whom and what we admire.
7.What we laugh at.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Deuteronomy 32-34 and Joshua 1.
February 25 – Colossians 1:9-14
Use this Scriptural prayer to pray for yourself, your family members, and special Christian friends. Personalize it as you think of each individual. End your prayers with a time of praise, as Paul does.

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