
If there is one day that is the epitome of consumerism, it is Black Friday. That is the nickname for the day after Thanksgiving when many of the stores have special sales to lure shoppers in early to begin the Christmas gift buying season. It is all about finding the right gift for each person on our list. Yes, it is about saving money, too. However, there would be no Black Friday, if Christmas made not become a materialistic holiday here in America.

Consumerism is the belief that we can buy happiness. We can purchase things that will make our lives complete. It is the belief that our lives are driven by what we decide to consume. Consumerism is the opposite to Christianity. The basis for Christianity is that Jesus is Lord, so we surrender to Him in faith, as we are ready to live for Him. Life for believers is to obey Him and to love Him, no matter what it costs. We do not get to pick and to choose what we do or don't do. We can't have the mindset of consumers and be good Christians.

This is why it is so sad that Christmas has become so consumer oriented. It is not about getting the right gifts for other people. It is not about making them happy with what we buy for them. It is about Jesus, who is the greatest gift, and it is about loving our family members sincerely. Let's make sure we don't fall for the false ideals of consumerism. Let's love Jesus with all our hearts and our neighbors as ourselves.

Tomorrow, I intend to read II Corinthians 8-10.

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